All posts tagged: alternative

drugs abuse, salvagente,

Being doped on the job

Boozy lunches, suspiciously long bathroom breaks, another day “off sick”. Most drug abusers are employed – and some jobs carry a heavier risk than others. “Substance abuse in the South African workforce is on the rise,” says Ronelle Sartor, executive officer at the South African Association for Social Workers in Private Practice (SAASWIPP). The common

flogging children, salvagente,

Physical punishment not good for children

Hot on the heels of a horror story into alleged corporal punishment at a Gauteng school, a study has shown that such disciplinary measures can badly hinder a child’s development. The report, published on News24, talks of a video which allegedly shows a staff member at the school in question repeatedly hitting a 16-year-old pupil with a garden hose, and kicking

flying less dangerous than hospitals, salvagente,

Flying is safer than visiting a Hospital

Millions of people die each year from medical errors and infections linked to health care, and going into hospital is far riskier than flying, the World Health Organization said. “If you were admitted to hospital tomorrow in any country, your chances of being subjected to an error in your care would be something like 1 in 10. Your

looking at food pictures,

19 Natural pain cures in your kitchen

The kitchen is where we find the greatest abundance of nature’s gift in our homes, and so it should come as no surprise that not only will you find the ingredients for the most luxurious body treatments; the craftiest repellent for pests or the toughest solutions for cleaning in your kitchen but that all sorts

13 Alternative (and dangerous) ways to get wasted!

To rid your body of the toxins after being high, detox with the ozone sauna and ozone steam therapy. __________________________________________________________________________ What other dangerous methods do you know of? Warn our readers! __________________________________________________________________________ Follow us:

Embrace the Change

We changed from candles, to lamps, to light bulbs… but we stagnated at conventional medicines. Is there a reason for this irrational human behavior?   As humans we constantly have the desire to improve ourselves and our circumstances. Maybe on different levels, some in their spirituality, some in their human existence, but the bottom line