All posts tagged: customer service

Ozone improves quality of life

[Testimonial] Great support

We appreciate all types of reviews, good or bad. Good reviews are always heart warming and a boost to company morale. Bad reviews are analysed and acted upon. Without reviews from our customers we will not be able to grow and improve our service. Thank you to all the customers taking the time to give

[Testimonial] Salvagente’s customer service

There is nothing better than getting good feedback from our customers. We pride ourselves in offering the best service before, during and long after a purchase. “Beste Salvagente, Ek wil net baie dankie sê vir jul goeie diens en professionaliteit met die koop van die ozone masjien. Sien uit om hom te gebruik. Groete” – Suzanne Cullen,

[Testimonial] Salvagente’s customer service

We strive for excellent service in all our client engagements, whether you purchase from us or not. “We will definitely opt for your company’s ozone sauna should my boss decides to proceed with this. Thanks so much for your great & professional service” – Lena, Singapore We are happy to assist you in any way