All posts tagged: exercise

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Tired? Are you suffering from fatigue?

Summary Fatigue is a common condition that involves feelingunusually tired. This may be a sign of illness and should never be ignored. Fatigue may be caused by many different physical and emotional factors. A healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet and exercising, can help relieve and prevent fatigue. What is fatigue? Fatigue is a

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10 Great Exercising Tips

You can’t argue with the fact that deciding to exercise regularly is one of the best decisions that you could ever make. “True in theory” – you say, “but where on earth do I get the motivation from?” Sure, there are many obstacles that you can allow to block your way. But why deprive yourself of


  Let’s start with exercising. A body in good shape isn’t just good for self confidence, but has an abundance of positive effects throughout your body and mind, which will reflect ultimately in your daily life, boosting your wellness level. When you’re fit your body functions more efficiently, your vitality increases and your heart and