All posts tagged: exercise

InfoGraphic on your daily media consumption,

InfoGraphic on your daily media consumption

In our fast paced, always-on lives, media consumption is everywhere. Phones, tablets, netbooks, TV, game consoles, iPods etc, govern our attention, and this info graphic shows just how much time we spend on these devices. It is crucial that we take some “time out” to clear our thoughts. Take a walk, meditate, get a massage

InfoGraphic on How the Brain Ages,

InfoGraphic on How the Brain Ages

As we can see in the picture, the brain is fragile and we must do everything we can to prevent the aging and degenerative processes of our brain. One of the factors that negatively impacts the brain and which is somewhat out of our control is hypertension (high blood pressure). One way to remedy this

InfoGraphic on the link between Caffeine and Calories,

InfoGraphic on the link between Caffeine and Calories

We consume coffees, fast foods, wine and frappe latte’s, but how does that affect our caffeine and calorie intake? This info graphic shows the correlation that certain beverages has on our energy level and what that translates to in our weight. Feeling it’s time to cut back? Maybe change your Mocha frappe latte that you

InfoGraphic on Cycling Injuries,

InfoGraphic on Cycling Injuries

Cycling have become a popular amateur sport for many people, where it’s the main exercise they get. This is good, but has also led to more users on our roads, and to more injuries and accidents related to cycling. This info graphic shows the main injuries from cycling, as well as main reasons for cycling

InfoGraphic on the Weight of the US,

InfoGraphic on the Weight of the US

Obesity is a growing concern worldwide, and it’s not just a weight problem, but a health problem. When you are overweight your chances of diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney failure increases, and these are just to name a few. To address your weight problem various chances need to be made, including changing your

massage, inflammation,

Massage Therapy as Complimentary Cancer Treatment

Many cancer patients find that using complimentary treatments, such as massage therapy, helps them tremendously in coping with illness symptoms.  Often, routine touch massage helps patients with colon cancer, breast cancer and mesothelioma address feelings of fatigue and depression. Recommended Forms of Massage Therapy According to the American Cancer Society, light touch massage therapy is

InfoGraphic | Sitting is Killing You,

InfoGraphic | Sitting is Killing You

Sitting is a health hazard, and to promote going for revitalizing alternative health therapies where you must sit up straight will let us feel that all the benefits of increased oxygen, stronger immune system, improved blood circulation, detoxification and many other benefits will be offset by the dangers of extra sitting. Hence we designed and

marathon running info graphic, salvagente,

New InfoGraphic: A Guide to Marathon Running

A day after the Comrades marathon, let’s look at the mental and physical conditions associated with it. Remember, if you are stiff and sore today, visit an ozone therapy clinic or buy yourself an ozone sauna to take at least 2 days of your recovery time. Ozone therapy floods the body wit activated oxygen to

smile, cat with grin,

Laughter might keep the doc away

The level of humour shown at Laughter Yoga is not particularly high. An unusual movement or a funny noise, and the 10 members of this Frankfurt laughter club called “Glueck ist jetzt” (Happiness is Now) giggle, snort or erupt into guffaws. Humour, after all, is not the point for the members, rather the laughing itself.

salvagente, staying young, feeling healthy,

Bounce back after being sick

If you’re getting over being under the weather, it can be tempting to put the pedal to the metal on the road to recovery. But if you really want to feel better, proceed with caution. Here’s how to bounce back without risking a relapse. 1. Rest up. Resist staying up past prime time when you’re