All posts tagged: health

Woman running comrades marathon after ozone therapy

Ozone Sauna Treatment For Enhanced Sports Performance & Accelerated Recovery

After enduring the challenges, such as the recently held Comrades Marathon, athletes rightly deserve meticulous care and thorough recovery methods to rejuvenate their bodies. One increasingly popular method gaining traction is the Ozone Sauna Treatment. The Ozone Sauna Treatment presents athletes with a comprehensive strategy for recuperation. By integrating the advantages of ozone therapy with

Bonzai growing calmly depicting the march of the wellness industry

The Growth of the Wellness Industry: Embracing a Healthier Future

As more and more people prioritize their health and well-being, the growth of the wellness industry has witnessed a phenomenal boom. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this growth, explore the various sectors within the wellness industry, and highlight the incredible benefits it offers to individuals and businesses alike. The Rapid Growth of the Wellness

The Dangers of Wearing a Face Mask

This theory has done its rounds since the beginning of this pandemic. So we thought, lets get to the bottom of how dangerous it is to wear a face mask on a daily basis. Let’s face it, wearing a mask in public is one of the most important things nowadays. Most shops refuse entrance without

What you need to know about the Coronavirus

In this blog we will be discussing what you need to know about the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Chinese authorities in Wuhan City, Hubei Province,China, alerted the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 31 December 2019, of an increased number of pneumonia cases. On the 7th of January Chinese authorities confirmed that they have a new virus. Since

[Infographic] Nutrition & Oral Health

I’m not sure how many of you will agree with me, but of all the “everyday” pain in the world, toothache is the worst. That sharp lighting-bolt-like pain that shoots into your jaw continuing into a part of your brain/ head that you never even knew was there. Those of you who have experienced this

The Benefits of a Gluten-Free Life

Staying gluten-free is one of the trending diets in recent times. However, a lot more people are still unaware of many important facts about gluten, the effect of ingesting gluten-containing foods, and of course, the benefits of a gluten-free diet. In a bid to enlighten you, and to help you maintain better health, a team

[Infographic] How long before food spoils?

As hard as it is to believe: One third of the food produced in the world each year – or approximately 1.3 billion tons — gets lost or wasted. How much of this food waste occurs in our very own homes? More often than not, food gets pushed to the back of our freezers, refrigerators, or

[Infographic] The #1 Daily Routine for Seniors

As one grows older, it only becomes harder and harder to plan out your days and stick to a healthy way of life on a daily basis. Mastering a productive daily routine can be quite the process, especially if you can’t think of a place to start. That’s why we here at Cascade Group Bellewood have created

Ozone Therapy For Neuropathy

Any form of neuropathy refers to damage to a particular set of nerves. While different nerves may require different treatments, one commonality is that nerves need blood and oxygen, and any form of therapy that reintroduces these two things to nerves may promote your recovery from neuropathy. Ozone therapy introduces ozone, commonly made up of the

[Infographic] Guide to a perfect kitchen

Knowing how to cook should be something everyone learns early on in life. In today’s world there is too much access to convenience and processed food is everywhere. However, if you have never been taught to cook, it might seem overwhelming. There are so many terms, ingredients and equipment that you might need to get started.