All posts tagged: ozone steam therapy

InfoGraphic | Sitting is Killing You,

InfoGraphic | Sitting is Killing You

Sitting is a health hazard, and to promote going for revitalizing alternative health therapies where you must sit up straight will let us feel that all the benefits of increased oxygen, stronger immune system, improved blood circulation, detoxification and many other benefits will be offset by the dangers of extra sitting. Hence we designed and

InfoGraphic on Cocaine,

InfoGraphic on Cocaine

The devastating effects of drug use and abuse, with millions around the world enslaved. This info graphic addresses cocaine. Want to come “clean”? The first step in your recovery process – even before counseling – should be detoxification of your body to rid yourself of the toxins and eliminate the cravings. A fast and effective

InfoGraphic on chemo therapy and it's diet,

InfoGraphics on cancer, the immune system and chemo diet

The immune system, our natural defense against virus and bacteria, but why don’t our bodies fight of cancer? The infographic below explains this phenomena and also a possible solution. Alternatively it is a well known fact that cancer cannot survive in cells with sufficient oxygen. Ozone saunas increases oxygen at the cellular level through ozone

ozone molecule, salvagente,

Ozone therapy Special until 15th July 2012

Offer valid until the 15th July 2012 (Monday – Friday): Buy a package of 10 ozone therapy sessions for R1800 and receive 1 session FREE. *Book well in advance, subject to availability. See list below of participating outlets: Body Evolution 011 656 5631 [email protected]

InfoGraphic on Asbestos and the dangers it pose,

InfoGraphic on Asbestos and the dangers it pose

Few people realize the dangers of Asbestos exposure and little awareness is given to the victims. We hope this information instill a broader knowledge of disease it causes. Mesothelioma is a treatable disease, and possible treatment solutions can be found at Further alternative therapies for cancer include ozone therapy, where your body is flooded

InfoGraphic on Prostate Cancer

InfoGraphic on Prostate Cancer

Many research publications state that chronic cellular hypoxia (oxygen deprivation at cellular level) is the prime cause of cancer. Although the exact cause of prostate cancer is still unknown, it is safe to assume that higher oxygen levels in the body can lead to reduced chances of developing prostate cancer in the long term. How

ozone molecule, salvagente,

Special on ozone therapy session until end July 2012

Offer valid from 26th June 2012 to the 31st July 2012 (Monday – Friday): Book and pay for 5 ozone therapy detox sessions now on promotion for the low price of R850 and receive 1 x Detox / Wellness session AND a Back and Neck Massage FREE valued at R1270. *Book well in advance, subject to availability. See list below of participating

InfoGraphic on the deadliest pandemics in history,

InfoGraphic on the deadliest pandemics in history

Medicine has come a long way in preventing and curing many of these diseases, although we are still plagued by some of them, to a more severe extent in certain places around the world. With flu affecting millions of people even in developed countries with excellent health infrastructures, isn’t it time to invest more in

InfoGraphic on the E Patient,

InfoGraphic on the E Patient

Many people research their doctors recommendations and diagnosis to make sure that they receive the optimal care they deserve. Isn’t it time to discover the natural healing properties of ozone and specifically transdermal ozone therapy. Heat (through steam or Far Infrared waves) along with enriched oxygen (ozone) is blown into the ozone saunas, where the

InfoGraphic on cell reproduction cycles,

InfoGraphic on cell reproduction cycles

Although many of your organs cells are replaced every couple of years, it is still crucial to make sure your heart stays healthy. One of the methods available is to ensure that you have sufficient oxygen in your body for your heart to function properly. In an ozone steam and/or Far infrared sauna enriched oxygen