All posts tagged: prevention

looking at food pictures,

19 Natural pain cures in your kitchen

The kitchen is where we find the greatest abundance of nature’s gift in our homes, and so it should come as no surprise that not only will you find the ingredients for the most luxurious body treatments; the craftiest repellent for pests or the toughest solutions for cleaning in your kitchen but that all sorts

Germs, Salvagente,

Facts about STD’s

  To eliminate most bacteria, yeast, fungus and protozoa use the ozone sauna for ozone steam therapy treatment. __________________________________________________________________________ Which generation according to you is most at risk? __________________________________________________________________________ Follow us:  

13 Alternative (and dangerous) ways to get wasted!

To rid your body of the toxins after being high, detox with the ozone sauna and ozone steam therapy. __________________________________________________________________________ What other dangerous methods do you know of? Warn our readers! __________________________________________________________________________ Follow us:

staying young, salvagente, health, relaxing,

Living Forever almost reality?

If Aubrey de Grey’s predictions are right, the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born. And the first person to live for 1,000 years could be less than 20 years younger. A biomedical gerontologist and chief scientist of a foundation dedicated to longevity research, de Grey reckons that

Embrace the Change

We changed from candles, to lamps, to light bulbs… but we stagnated at conventional medicines. Is there a reason for this irrational human behavior?   As humans we constantly have the desire to improve ourselves and our circumstances. Maybe on different levels, some in their spirituality, some in their human existence, but the bottom line

Modern Health

The days of reactive treatments are slowly coming to an end. Traditional pills and syrups are being replaced by proactive, preventative lifestyles… Yes lifestyles, as health today is not just feeling fine to get up in the mornings to go to work, school or University. We are shifting our minds to complete healthier paradigms, where we monitor what