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InfoGraphic on Headaches

InfoGraphic on Headaches

For some it’s part of their daily routine, for others it’s a rare occurrence; headaches can have a huge impact on your quality of life. This infographic explores the types of headaches and some quick solutions, although an important solution was not listed. Headaches can be caused or worsen by a lack of oxygen, thus

10 Signs You are Truly Happy

10 Signs that You are Truly Happy

When you are happy, everything else just seem to go your way. Although this sounds like an easy feat to achieve, happiness skillfully evades most people. Here’s 10 signs that you are happy, which coincidentally also gives you pointers on what will make you happier. Keep in mind that some of these are the destination

InfoGraphic on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US)

InfoGraphic on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US)

Occupational safety and health has many forms and factors, and differs from industry to industry. It’s as wide as focusing on leadership to focusing on air quality. We want to touch a little bit on worker wellbeing. Many bigger corporate office buildings incorporate gyms or wellness centers inside for their employees to use. Now these

Clients with Salvagente’s Ozone Sauna will receive Additional Promotion

Salvagente’s focus is and was always on customer service, innovation and to support our professional clients in every way possible. Thus when the acclaimed Leaders in Wellness Magazine approached us to feature Salvagente in their top class magazine as a leader in the Wellness industry, we naturally decided that we want our affiliated outlets to

InfoGraphic of Big Data in Healthcare

InfoGraphic of Big Data in Healthcare

As we can see from the infographic, diagnoses can be inaccurate and can lead to death. Although big data can play a mayor role in decreasing misdiagnosis, in return lowering healthcare costs and improving patient care, isn’t it our responsibility to ensure a holistic approach to our health and wellness. One such method is ozone

InfoGraphic on Top 10 Methods to Beat Aging

Aging, an inevitable part of life on Earth, but some carry their years better than others. Here’s a list of the top anti aging methods. You may need some help with some of these, like a gym buddy to help keep the exercise routine up, ozone therapy or massage therapy to reduce the stress levels,

InfoGraphic on the Impact of the Electric Car,

InfoGraphic on the Impact of the Electric Car

Who embraced some sort of “green” movement? Be it renewable and clean energy, recycling, vegan movement, organic foods and even electric vehicles as depicted in the infographic below? What is a striking contrast in how few people will go to natural, alternative health sources to combat disease. We still rely so heavily on conventional doctors,

InfoGraphic on the 40 Hour Workweek,

InfoGraphic on the 40 Hour Workweek

Work, a modern day necessity for most of us. The question might even arise that are we, the employed, the real slaves of a nations economy. Then we look at the hungry and the poor, the billionaires and jet setters, and we realize what monetary emancipation can do for a person. The true question comes

InfoGraphic on Fighting Workplace Woes - on the job training,

InfoGraphic on Fighting Workplace Woes – on the job training

The last few posts we shared touched on workplace absenteeism, workplace conflict and loss in productivity, today we look at one aspect that can assist to reduce or rectify those problems. The info graphic below looks at on the job training to combat these workplace woes. Although this targets the mind aspect of unhappiness, the

InfoGraphic on Drug Abuse in the Workplace,

InfoGraphic on Drug Abuse in the Workplace

As many things in life, drug use doesn’t end during personal hours and get’s taken to the office more frequently than expected. This has various consequences as shown in the info graphic, but how does one quit? Many times counseling alone is ineffective, because the craving for the next “fix” is just too strong. To