Ozone Steam Sauna

Tips to Working out in the Workplace

Getting enough exercise while being stuck in an office can be a daunting task. This infographic by KTTape shows methods how you can utilize existing office furniture to your workout benefit. If you are an employer who values healthy employees (or you work for someone like that), incorporating yoga mats in break rooms, scheduling power

InfoGraphic on Allergies

Whether it’s through dust, pollen or animals, allergies spread far and wide. To eliminate the bacteria causing the allergic reactions you can look into regularly cleaning of surface dust (vacuuming through a water filter or using a damp cloth is better than just wiping the dust around and into the air with a dry cloth),

Insight into GMO’s – Genetically Modified Organisms [Infographic]

You would believe that if you are following a balanced diet that your intake of valuable nutrients is sufficient to keep you healthy… not so if the diet consists of GMO’s! These genetically modified organisms are present in a wide variety of healthy foods, making the food we eat “toxic”. To combat this we need

What does Vegetarianism and Greek Mathematicians have in Common?

Who knew there was a correlation between an ancient mathematician and vegetarianism… The answer lies in the infographic, as well as many other interesting facts and statistics. With the world moving towards greener, sustainable and healthier lifestyles, vegetarians and vegans are becoming more prominent. Although the rise in making informed, healthy decisions about food is

Low-Calorie Snacks to keep you Looking Slim [26 of them]

Want to look good without starving yourself? Does the Special-K bar feel more like a chocolate than a healthy snack while gobbling it mid morning? Here are 26 low calorie snacks that you can eat during meals without worrying that you will bulge from weird, uncomfortable places after you ate it. Remember the simple equation,

InfoGraphic on the Popping Pills drug epidemic

Pharmaceutical giants have long been a conflicting topic for many… They are the saviours of the population, bringing us a pill for any and all ailments, healing our disease stricken world. Or are they now the cash machines that sells prescription drugs without worrying about side effects and consequences, where “another set” of pills will

Stroke: Facts presented in an InfoGraphic

When compared to the big illnesses than can befall you; cancer, diabetes, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis etc, stroke seems insignificant. In reality the dangers of strokes are much greater and we decided to share this infographic to create awareness under our readers. By lowering your blood pressure you can lower your chances of getting a


[InfoGraphic] 10 Mayor Health Benefits of Marijuana

It has long been argued that marijuana should be legalized due to it’s medicinal properties. The dilemma comes in where many drug experts believe marijuana is the gateway drug to stronger and more dangerous substance abuse such as cocaine, heroine and tik. How do we solve this? Some doctors have a license to prescribe dagga

Healthy Eating is Healthy Living [InfoGraphic]

Multivitamins or a variety of organic fruits and vegetables? In our overwhelming busy lives the easier choice would seem to take a multivitamin and that would be the end of it…but that is not the case. Many multivitamins lack certain nutrients. When you may take a pill, your body is not getting any substance in,