Ozone Steam Sauna

InfoGraphic on UK smokers and reasons to QUIT

How many people smoke Worldwide; more than all the Facebook users, and if you put all the smokers in the same country they would compete head to head with China as the largest population on Earth. The negative consequences of smoking is well documented, so why do so many people still practice this habit? Surely

InfoGraphic on Back Pain

That saying where too much of anything is bad… again rings true. When you are sitting too much or sitting wrong, or when you are too active can cause injury to your back. The onus is on you to take care of your health and wellbeing, and to protect your back from damage. Only under

10 Diet Traps and How to Avoid Them [Infographic]

I am sure people were dieting in pre-historic times, and in modern times it reached epic proportions. Although there’s no fact in the previous statement, dieting is so ingrained in society that we can almost believe it has been there forever. With all the money spent on dieting products, very few show any results. This

Hepatitis C: Getting tested can Save your Life

We are not fans of visiting doctors here at Salvagente, but we will make an exception for this. If you fall within this age group as depicted in the infographic, please get tested for Hepatitis C. We believe strongly in prevention and early treatment, especially if your chances of survival and eliminating the virus are

Top 10 Exercise Myths

Top 10 Exercise Myths

Many people exercise, some gets better results than others, some will give you advice on what to do and what not to do, we provide you with a list of top 10 myths about exercising that you can focus on achieving your exercise goals. When you are no longer a victim of these myths, what

InfoGraphic on Ovarian Cancer

InfoGraphic on Ovarian Cancer

We get a lot of clients who suffer from cancer, in all it’s forms and of all stages. Although they find many success with ozone therapy and love the non-invasiveness of the ozone pods, we wish this on nobody, and always try to educate people to prevent this dreadful disease. Click here to find out

[Promotion] Cryotherapy with your Ozone Steam Sauna

The days of needing to exercise to take a cold shower in order to kickstart your circulation to enable you to recover quicker is finally over. Now you can sit in the comfort of your home and experience what was previously only available at select sports medicine facilities or physical therapists. Introducing our cryotherapy sauna

How To Guide: Stress Less

How To Guide: Stress Less

We all experience stress at one or other time in our lives. Many people suffer from it constantly and as a result have negative health consequences. This infographic shows you some of the symptoms that you may experience when suffering from stress, and lists possible remedies as well. One solution is not listed, and that

An InfoGraphic that delves into the question: Is your Diet Toxic?

An InfoGraphic that delves into the question: Is your Diet Toxic?

This infographic raises a serious concern; are we being fooled into believing we have a good, healthy diet but in fact we are flooding our bodies with a dangerous toxic buildup? The toxins and pesticides they use in genetically modified foods affect us indirectly by soil pollution and directly when we consume fruits and vegetables.

InfoGraphic on Top 10 Ways to reduce exposure to Cancer causing agents

InfoGraphic on Top 10 Ways to reduce exposure to Cancer causing agents

Here’s top 10 ways to reduce your exposure to cancer causing agents. But what if you are concerned about previous exposure? Or if your busy lifestyle does not allow for you to make your own deodorant? Does that mean you are at the mercy of cancer now? Luckily a healthy lifestyle incorporates many facets, these