All posts tagged: dangerous

coffee, cancer, salvagente, diabetes,

Coffee reduces the chances of cancer

Coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of skin cancer by helping to kill off damaged cells that could otherwise turn into tumours, according to a US study. The findings indicate that moderate caffeine drinking, or perhaps even applying coffee to the skin, could be useful in warding off non-melanoma cancer, the most commonly diagnosed of all skin

drugs abuse, salvagente,

Being doped on the job

Boozy lunches, suspiciously long bathroom breaks, another day “off sick”. Most drug abusers are employed – and some jobs carry a heavier risk than others. “Substance abuse in the South African workforce is on the rise,” says Ronelle Sartor, executive officer at the South African Association for Social Workers in Private Practice (SAASWIPP). The common

bitterness, crying, salvagente,

Can blaming others make you sick?

Constant bitterness can make a person ill, according to Concordia University researchers who have examined the relationship between failure, bitterness and quality of life. “Persistent bitterness may result in global feelings of anger and hostility that, when strong enough, could affect a person’s physical health,” says Carsten Wrosch, a professor in the Concordia University Department of Psychology and a

microwave dangerous, salvagente,

Are Microwaves safe?

“Microwave ovens will kill you!” Or so they say… If you’ve ever surfed the internet for information on health and nutrition, there’s little doubt you’ve come across scare stories about microwave ovens. Online natural health “experts” claim that microwaves will “zap” your food, deplete it of important nutrients and alter its molecular structure in dangerous

flogging children, salvagente,

Physical punishment not good for children

Hot on the heels of a horror story into alleged corporal punishment at a Gauteng school, a study has shown that such disciplinary measures can badly hinder a child’s development. The report, published on News24, talks of a video which allegedly shows a staff member at the school in question repeatedly hitting a 16-year-old pupil with a garden hose, and kicking

flying less dangerous than hospitals, salvagente,

Flying is safer than visiting a Hospital

Millions of people die each year from medical errors and infections linked to health care, and going into hospital is far riskier than flying, the World Health Organization said. “If you were admitted to hospital tomorrow in any country, your chances of being subjected to an error in your care would be something like 1 in 10. Your

Germs, Salvagente,

Facts about STD’s

  To eliminate most bacteria, yeast, fungus and protozoa use the ozone sauna for ozone steam therapy treatment. __________________________________________________________________________ Which generation according to you is most at risk? __________________________________________________________________________ Follow us:  

13 Alternative (and dangerous) ways to get wasted!

To rid your body of the toxins after being high, detox with the ozone sauna and ozone steam therapy. __________________________________________________________________________ What other dangerous methods do you know of? Warn our readers! __________________________________________________________________________ Follow us:

fat, diet, food, eating, salvagente, slimming,

Skipping out on sleep lets you add pounds

People who got very little sleep ate more, but didn’t burn any extra kilojoules in a new study that adds to evidence supporting a link between sleep deprivation and weight gain. Although the findings don’t prove that sleeplessness causes people to pack on extra kilograms, or exactly how the relationship between sleep and body weight might work, they


These will make you think twice about smoking

Anti tobacco art showing the real outcome of smoking: Dead bodies, diseased lungs and a man on a ventilator were among the graphic images for revamped tobacco labels unveiled by US health officials. Proposed in November under a law that put the multibillion-dollar tobacco industry under the control of the Food and Drug Administration, the