All posts tagged: dangerous

InfoGraphic on Ovarian Cancer

InfoGraphic on Ovarian Cancer

We get a lot of clients who suffer from cancer, in all it’s forms and of all stages. Although they find many success with ozone therapy and love the non-invasiveness of the ozone pods, we wish this on nobody, and always try to educate people to prevent this dreadful disease. Click here to find out

An InfoGraphic that delves into the question: Is your Diet Toxic?

An InfoGraphic that delves into the question: Is your Diet Toxic?

This infographic raises a serious concern; are we being fooled into believing we have a good, healthy diet but in fact we are flooding our bodies with a dangerous toxic buildup? The toxins and pesticides they use in genetically modified foods affect us indirectly by soil pollution and directly when we consume fruits and vegetables.

InfoGraphic on Top 10 Ways to reduce exposure to Cancer causing agents

InfoGraphic on Top 10 Ways to reduce exposure to Cancer causing agents

Here’s top 10 ways to reduce your exposure to cancer causing agents. But what if you are concerned about previous exposure? Or if your busy lifestyle does not allow for you to make your own deodorant? Does that mean you are at the mercy of cancer now? Luckily a healthy lifestyle incorporates many facets, these

How Over Medication is Bad for you

How Over Medication is Bad for you

We took a look at Eastern vs Western Medicine, today we delve deeper into what over medication in Western society means, how people over medicate and the consequences. If you are part of the group that’s on antidepressant tablets, isn’t it time to look at alternatives? Therapy might show better results, and you won’t have

InfoGraphic on East vs West Medicine

InfoGraphic on East vs West Medicine

Times are changing, and access to information is leading to a shift from the well known western medicine to the “alternative” (Acupuncture, Reiki, Reflexology, Ozone Therapy, Homeopathy, Meditation etc) therapies of the East. Although many eastern methods lack clinical trials, many show clear signs of being effective. As the infographic states a large part of

InfoGraphic on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US)

InfoGraphic on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US)

Occupational safety and health has many forms and factors, and differs from industry to industry. It’s as wide as focusing on leadership to focusing on air quality. We want to touch a little bit on worker wellbeing. Many bigger corporate office buildings incorporate gyms or wellness centers inside for their employees to use. Now these

InfoGraphic of Big Data in Healthcare

InfoGraphic of Big Data in Healthcare

As we can see from the infographic, diagnoses can be inaccurate and can lead to death. Although big data can play a mayor role in decreasing misdiagnosis, in return lowering healthcare costs and improving patient care, isn’t it our responsibility to ensure a holistic approach to our health and wellness. One such method is ozone

InfoGraphic on Drug Abuse in the Workplace,

InfoGraphic on Drug Abuse in the Workplace

As many things in life, drug use doesn’t end during personal hours and get’s taken to the office more frequently than expected. This has various consequences as shown in the info graphic, but how does one quit? Many times counseling alone is ineffective, because the craving for the next “fix” is just too strong. To

InfoGraphic in How Prepared Employers are When Disaster Strikes,

InfoGraphic in How Prepared Employers are When Disaster Strikes

When we look at the data from the info graphic, it’s clear that many employers aren’t prepared for disasters. Furthermore the data suggests that preparation are mostly done in disasters that typically made up a majority of cases years ago, like fire and burglaries. But in todays tech World more emphasis must be given to

InfoGraphic on Food Safety,

InfoGraphic on Food Safety

An apple a day keeps the doctor away… but not when that apple is rotten! Our best dietary choices might come to nothing when those foods aren’t acquired, stored, prepared and consumed right. The info graphic below guides us in our quest to preserve, prepare and consume food to have the optimal nutrient intake from