All posts tagged: dementia

Meditation & Combatting Mental Health Problems

Approximately one-third of South Africans live with some form of mental disorder according to Professor Dan Stein from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cape Town. Mental health disorders can be deadly but due to a very unfortunate stigma attached to it, many patients refrain from getting the treatment they require. Despite there being a number of

Ozone Therapy and Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis itself has no specific symptoms; its main consequence is the increased risk of fracture. Osteoporotic fractures are those that occur in situations where healthy people would not normally break a bone; they are therefore regarded as fragility fractures. Typical fragility fractures occur in the vertebral column, hip and wrist. The symptoms of a vertebral

Nutritional Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Most of us don’t mind the odd piece of dark chocolate here and there, but how guilty should you feel after eating it? Well, not guilty at all! Much research have been done over the past few years on the benefits of dark chocolate and to my delight most effects are positive. Dark chocolate is