All posts tagged: eyesight

[Recipe] Eye Friendly Gazpacho

This delicious recipe is high in lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and Vitamin E, all nutrients essential for good eye health. The recipes yields about 6 cups of cold soup and works well as a starter or a light lunch. Ingredients: 2 Orange peppers, seeds removed 900g Orange tomatoes, cut in half 1/2 small Sweet brown onion,

[Recipe] Pumpkin mouse for your peepers

This delightfully sweet mousse will improve your eyes as it is high in beta-carotene. This recipe makes 4 servings. Ingredients: 1 Medium Pumpkin 1/2 cup Plain Greek yogurt 1/2 cup Maple syrup 1/4 cup Orange juice, freshly squeezed 1 envelope Gelatin 1/4 cup whipping cream, very cold Zest of one orange 1/2 tsp Mixed spice