All posts tagged: nutrition

InfoGraphic on How the Brain Ages,

InfoGraphic on How the Brain Ages

As we can see in the picture, the brain is fragile and we must do everything we can to prevent the aging and degenerative processes of our brain. One of the factors that negatively impacts the brain and which is somewhat out of our control is hypertension (high blood pressure). One way to remedy this

InfoGraphic on the link between Caffeine and Calories,

InfoGraphic on the link between Caffeine and Calories

We consume coffees, fast foods, wine and frappe latte’s, but how does that affect our caffeine and calorie intake? This info graphic shows the correlation that certain beverages has on our energy level and what that translates to in our weight. Feeling it’s time to cut back? Maybe change your Mocha frappe latte that you

InfoGraphic on the Weight of the US,

InfoGraphic on the Weight of the US

Obesity is a growing concern worldwide, and it’s not just a weight problem, but a health problem. When you are overweight your chances of diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney failure increases, and these are just to name a few. To address your weight problem various chances need to be made, including changing your

InfoGraphic on Organic Foods,

InfoGraphic on Organic Foods

Moving to an organic lifestyle will improve your health tremendously, but what about all the pesticides and growth hormones that we are already exposed to and have consumed? How do we cleanse our bodies to “start on a clean sheet”? Regular detoxification of the body and lymph system is a great way to get rid

InfoGraphic on Vitamin D deficiency,

InfoGraphic on Vitamin D deficiency

The temperatures are climbing, and the sun is bright in a cloudless sky, at least for now in sunny South Africa. It’s in the middle of winter and we have temperatures towards the mid 20’s ‘C. But do we, even in this great weather, get enough sun to create sufficient Vitamin D? The info graphic

vegan, infographic on the anatomy of a vegan,

Cool InfoGraphic: Anatomy of a Vegan

Eating natural vegetarian foods is a great way to live a healthy lifestyle, but if you pump your body full of antibiotics when you get sick all of that is lost. Change your lifestyle even further and go for regular ozone therapy sessions to prevent falling ill. Ozone therapy is an all natural non invasive


Flu: get fighting fit

With winter here, you’re bound to be surrounded by coughers and sneezers wherever you go, greatly increasing your flu risk. Running like crazy from anyone who’s ill is the first step to avoid succumbing yourself, as is doing a Lady Macbeth and continually washing your hands. That’s because the flu virus is not only transmitted via droplets when someone

Healthy diet, breakfast, salvagente,

Think while you eat

What did you eat during your last meal? Can’t remember? Uh, oh — that’s not a good sign for your waistline. According to a recent study conducted at the University of Bristol in the UK, if you don’t pay attention while you’re eating, your body may actually “forget” that you’ve eaten — and crave more

soft drinks are bad for you,

Why soda is bad for you

Love your fizzy drink? Think again. A growing body of research suggests a link between sugary soda consumption and diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, gout and some types of cancer. According to the American Heart Association soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages are the primary source of added sugars in Americans’ diet. This comes as little

fat, diet, food, eating, salvagente, slimming,

Obesity can cost you more than your health

In South Africa currently approximately 61% of the population is considered overweight or obese. As a result, more than half of the population not only risk developing chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, but are also potentially placing themselves under severe financial strain. This is according to Dr Dominique