All posts tagged: ozone sauna

4 Reasons Why Fad Diets Don’t Work

In South Africa, 25% of males and 39% of females are either overweight or obese, recent statistics from National Nutrition Week reveal. And while the idea of fast weight loss is tempting, fad diets often do more harm than good — despite their seemingly unwavering popularity. Let’s take a look at four reasons why fad diets simply don’t

[Infographic] Cleaning Tips for a Pet-Safe Home

We understand that Wellness isn’t just about exercise, healthy diets and ozone saunas. The animals in our lives also contribute to our overall wellness. Pets bring so much happiness and light to our homes, which is why we’ll want to keep them safe and healthy. Did you know, however, that some household cleaners can actually

Ozone improves quality of life

[Testimonial] Great support

We appreciate all types of reviews, good or bad. Good reviews are always heart warming and a boost to company morale. Bad reviews are analysed and acted upon. Without reviews from our customers we will not be able to grow and improve our service. Thank you to all the customers taking the time to give

[Testimonial] Salvagente’s customer service

There is nothing better than getting good feedback from our customers. We pride ourselves in offering the best service before, during and long after a purchase. “Beste Salvagente, Ek wil net baie dankie sê vir jul goeie diens en professionaliteit met die koop van die ozone masjien. Sien uit om hom te gebruik. Groete” – Suzanne Cullen,

[Testimonial] Salvagente’s customer service

We strive for excellent service in all our client engagements, whether you purchase from us or not. “We will definitely opt for your company’s ozone sauna should my boss decides to proceed with this. Thanks so much for your great & professional service” – Lena, Singapore We are happy to assist you in any way

[Infographic] The secret to healthy ageing in women

It’s no secret, getting old sucks, especially for women. It’s like one day you just woke up old. You have no idea when it happened, it just did. During our teens and twenties, our bodies go through a lot of changes and we seem to keep weight off quite easily, we spend hours in the

[Inforgraphic] Facts and myths about the Flu

I think it is safe to say that winter has officially hit South Africa. Let’s hope our winter will not be as long and cold as our northern hemisphere neighbor’s. The United Kingdom was hit by the Beast-from-the-East, where temperatures fell below -18 degrees Celsius. The United States of America,  especially central and eastern U.S., experienced

[InfoGraphic] 13 Reasons why your Brain Craves Coffee

As an avid coffee drinker I cannot imagine starting my day without a nice hot cup of java. But every now and again the ever debated topic about the health effects of coffee comes up. For decades it was believed that coffee or more precisely the caffeine in coffee was bad for your health. Recent

[Infographic] Plants to improve your sleep

Sleep is a restorative process that plays an essential part in our overall health. Sleep has a large impact on our physical well-being; as well sleep, our muscles are repaired, skin cells are regenerated and tissue growth occurs. Additionally, sleep plays a vital role in restoring energy and clearing non-essential information from our brain, supporting

[Infographic] Prevent Employee Burnout

Employees should be treasured and taken care of mentally, physically, and emotionally. Otherwise, your company could suffer. There are a few consequences that your organization might experience if you happen to have burnt out employees such as low-quality work, reduced efficiency, high turnover rates, and more. When worse comes to worst, it could even lead