All posts tagged: ozone therapy

Water is more valuable than gold

Did you know that South Africa is rated the 39th ‘driest’ country in the world according to a report compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organisation? Water is our most valuable resource and needs to be preserved at all costs, because it’s not infinite. The recent water crisis experienced over parts of the country, especially the

[Infographic] Guide to Pasta Shapes

Ahh, pasta. It’s carb-y goodness can be served so many ways: soaked in a red sauce, smothered in cheese, or just with a pat of butter. Despite being one of the first dishes we all learned how to cook, many of us don’t have a thorough pasta vocabulary. There are over 200 types of pasta

[Testimonial] Ozone Therapy is incredible!

Nothing can boost a day like a great testimonial. We appreciate all our clients who have taken the time to send us testimonials & feedback. Without you guys, we would not be able to know where we are on the mark and where we still have some improving to do. Thank you for all your

4 Reasons Why Fad Diets Don’t Work

In South Africa, 25% of males and 39% of females are either overweight or obese, recent statistics from National Nutrition Week reveal. And while the idea of fast weight loss is tempting, fad diets often do more harm than good — despite their seemingly unwavering popularity. Let’s take a look at four reasons why fad diets simply don’t

Christmas in July Promotion

As parts of South Africa is currently covered in a blanket of snow, it only seems right to have a Christmas in July Promotion. With temperatures plummeting to subzero, our bodies find it harder to fight off viruses and bacteria. Thus, this year, more people will be looking at alternative therapies to prevent their bodies

[Infographic] Cleaning Tips for a Pet-Safe Home

We understand that Wellness isn’t just about exercise, healthy diets and ozone saunas. The animals in our lives also contribute to our overall wellness. Pets bring so much happiness and light to our homes, which is why we’ll want to keep them safe and healthy. Did you know, however, that some household cleaners can actually

[Infographic] Why cat owners are healthier

It’s no secret, cats have a strange effect on people… The ancient Egyptians worshipped them, royalty “owned” them, celebrities bragged about them and some (a lot actually) have their own Social Media accounts. Ever since the birth of the world wide web in 1990, people have been sending each other funny cat images. In 2015,

Ozone improves quality of life

[Testimonial] Great support

We appreciate all types of reviews, good or bad. Good reviews are always heart warming and a boost to company morale. Bad reviews are analysed and acted upon. Without reviews from our customers we will not be able to grow and improve our service. Thank you to all the customers taking the time to give

[Testimonial] Salvagente’s customer service

There is nothing better than getting good feedback from our customers. We pride ourselves in offering the best service before, during and long after a purchase. “Beste Salvagente, Ek wil net baie dankie sê vir jul goeie diens en professionaliteit met die koop van die ozone masjien. Sien uit om hom te gebruik. Groete” – Suzanne Cullen,

[Testimonial] Salvagente’s customer service

We strive for excellent service in all our client engagements, whether you purchase from us or not. “We will definitely opt for your company’s ozone sauna should my boss decides to proceed with this. Thanks so much for your great & professional service” – Lena, Singapore We are happy to assist you in any way