All posts tagged: spinach

[Recipe] Broccoli & Spinach Bisque

This delicious recipe is low in sodium and is packed with good nutrition. Always use fresh vegetables when making soup. This recipe is easy to make and yields 6 servings. Ingredients: 1 package Baby spinach 4 tbsp Butter ½ medium Red onion 5 tbsp All-purpose flour 4 cups Chicken Stock 4 cups packed fresh Broccoli

[Recipe] Strawberry & spinach smoothie

I know this may seem like a strange combination, but this recipe is truly delicious. You won’t even know there is spinach in it. This recipe makes 2 servings. Ingredients: 1/2 cup Low-fat vanilla yogurt 2 cups Water 1 Banana 1 cup Strawberries, sliced 2 cups Spinach Honey to taste (optional) Method: Add the yogurt,