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The Future Role of AI in Wellness and Alternative Healthcare

Advancements in technology, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), have the potential to revolutionize various aspects of healthcare. One area that shows promise is wellness and alternative healthcare, where AI can enhance treatments like ozone therapy. This article explores the future role of AI in promoting wellness through ozone-based therapies, highlighting their potential

[Testimonial] We buy secondhand ozone saunas

Did you know we also buy secondhand ozone saunas back? Well we do. Sometimes life happens and we’re forced to sell our much loved possessions, due to emigration, financial difficulties, etc. Most companies would never offer this service, but we’ve found a way to assist existing customers in selling their ozone saunas and offering reduced buying

Which diet should you follow in 2023?

Diets have been a “thing” for decades now. Over the years they have changed and sometimes even mutated into very strange and restrictive eating patterns. The main mistake everyone makes is to think that following a diet is only about losing weight. In some instances weight loss is a perk, but there’s a lot more

[Testimonial] Outstanding service

Ever since we opened our doors, we have strived to provide the best service possible to our customers.  We pride ourselves in our pre- and post sale service. It’s always great to receive positive feedback from our customers who have purchased an ozone sauna. “Thank you so much. Your service is always outstanding.” – Brigitte booking system

The Booking Site | Take your business to the next level

We can all agree that since COVID first hit in 2020 A LOT has changed. More people are working from home, not-so-tech-savvy individuals have caught up to the rest of us and more businesses have improved their online presence and are achieving a low contact environment. In this blog, we will be chatting about how

Ozone improves quality of life

[Testimonial ] Ozone therapy improving quality of life

It’s never easy to hear about the medical struggles our clients are going through. But when we get testimonials like this, where ozone was able to improve a customer’s quality of life, it makes all our hard work so much more worth it. Ozone therapy is by no means a miracle cure, but it has proven

[Publication] Les Nouvelles |

At Salvagente we continually strive to improve our products and services. In our latest contribution in the Les Nouvelles Spa magazine, we don’t just again give free exposure to our affiliated outlets, we also touch base on our new partnership with – an Enterprise level resource management system and booking marketplace for the alternative

Benefits of Physical Therapy

Whether you’re injured or just trying to make specific muscles strong, it’s always a good idea to do some physical therapy. It’ll help keep you in top shape when training for your marathons or team sports. When your body can recover quickly, it’ll create better performances. Here are some benefits of physical therapy. May Help

The use of oxygen concentrators to treat COVID 19 patients

In this article we will be looking at how oxygen is used to treat COVID patients in medical practices and hospitals. We will also look at how an oxygen concentrator can assist you within the safety and comfort of your own home. South Africa’s 4th wave is looming We are in November and with the

Health risks of a toxic workplace

The average person will spend about a third of their life at work. This calculates to about 90,000 hours in total. In this blog we will be discussing changes you can make to toxic workplaces, like; desk practices, social interactions and alternative therapies to help you cope, for example adding a meditation area or an