All posts tagged: blood

Stroke: Facts presented in an InfoGraphic

When compared to the big illnesses than can befall you; cancer, diabetes, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis etc, stroke seems insignificant. In reality the dangers of strokes are much greater and we decided to share this infographic to create awareness under our readers. By lowering your blood pressure you can lower your chances of getting a

InfoGraphic on Sugar Consumption,

InfoGraphic on Sugar Consumption

This info graphic paints a startling picture about our diets and the amount of sugar we consume. What is worse is the health risks refined sugar is linked to; obesity, high blood pressure, headaches and clogging of arteries just to name a few. It is important to monitor and reduce our daily intake of sugar,

InfoGraphic on The Organic Debate,

InfoGraphic on The Organic Debate

Organic products are cited to be better for a variety of reasons according to the info graphic, but probably one of the more common reasons are the issue about pesticides on produce. These pesticides and growth hormones affect humans negatively, but even if we switch to organic now, we already have large amounts of of

InfoGraphic on the Greatest Human and Digital Viruses,

InfoGraphic on the Greatest Human and Digital Viruses

A look into viruses that infected millions and damaged or killed most of the infected is startling. What is concerning though is the way we safeguard our digital devices with preventative measures, malware detection, anti virus programs, but we do not take the same approach to preventing illness and infections to ourselves. Boosting your immune

World Map of Legal Drinking Age,

World Map of Legal Drinking Age

While the majority of the World has the same legal age to start consuming alcohol, many countries clearly have different views regarding it. Alcohol can be a great addition when amongst friends, but it can also have severe consequences when consumed in excess or at certain times, like before driving. Alcohol also affects the liver

InfoGraphic on Cloning and stem cell research,

InfoGraphic on Cloning

Cloning, a controversial subject, yet a medical field which saved a lot of people through cell research and specifically stem cell treatment. When specific cells, even skin in a recent burn victim case, can be medically engineered it can save a life. As shown in the info graphic stem cells comes from research cloning and

Simplified mapping of our under-skin body,

Simplified mapping of our under-skin body

Ever wondered what paths our arteries, veins, skeleton and digestive system takes? This is a simplified picture of how it looks under our skin. Be sure to keep your arteries un-clogged, your lymphatic system drained, and your veins clear with regular ozone therapy sessions. The benefits of ozone therapy are numerous and when it’s combined

InfoGraphic on Drunk Driving,

InfoGraphic on Drunk Driving

Spending time with friends while having a few drinks is one of the most relaxing experiences there is, but if you are not careful it can be disastrous as depicted in the info graphic below. It’s wise to drink a glass of water with every drink you have, and to eat something oily before having

InfoGraphic | Sitting is Killing You,

InfoGraphic | Sitting is Killing You

Sitting is a health hazard, and to promote going for revitalizing alternative health therapies where you must sit up straight will let us feel that all the benefits of increased oxygen, stronger immune system, improved blood circulation, detoxification and many other benefits will be offset by the dangers of extra sitting. Hence we designed and

Infographic on the flu virus,

InfoGraphic on the Flu Virus

Your immune system is your primary defense against viruses. To assist your body in fighting of these harmful micro-organisms, give it more oxygen in an ozone steam and/or far infrared sauna. Ozone therapy strengthens your immune system and helps you to life a healthier life. Already under the weather? Visit your nearest ozone therapy outlet