All posts tagged: rash

How toxic are your cosmetics?

We all have our own, tried and tested, beauty routine. To get to a point where you have it all ‘figured out’ you had to spend a pretty penny. Unfortunately for some, this blog may throw out their whole routine. Chemicals, toxins and preservative aren’t new to a 21st century individual. Harmful additives have been

Eczema & Ozone Therapy

Eczema is a medical condition that causes the skin to become itchy, inflamed, dry, red and cracked. The most common form of eczema is atopic eczema. It mainly effects children, but adults can also develop it. Atopic eczema effects each individual differently. The most common areas where you can develop atopic eczema are: On the

The effects of Ozone Therapy on Psoriasis

Psoriasis (IPA pronunciation: [səә’raj.əәsɪs]) is a disease which affects the skin and joints. It commonly causes red scaly patches to appear on the skin. The scaly patches caused by psoriasis, called psoriatic plaques, are areas of inflammation and excessive skin production. Skin rapidly accumulates at these sites and takes a silvery-white appearance. Plaques frequently occur

Grey Cell Enterprises – Ozonated Plant Extracts, Patient Information

The use of natural extracts and products for infection control and eradication, and to stimulate accelerated tissue healing, has been documented since Ancient Egyptian times – about 2,500 – 3000 years ago. This new range of organic oils and plant extracts are based on plant and vegetable oils treated with ozone. These extracts undergo a