All posts tagged: salvagente

24 Things you didn’t know about beer

We have all at one point in our lives tried steering clear of drinking beer as we all dread the awful “Beer-Belly”. But what if I tell you that beer may be healthier than you think? Beer is typically made of water, barley, hops and yeast. These ingredients may not look like much, a regular

Choosing the right shoe for any type of excercise

Choosing the right shoe for exercise is one of the most important things before engaging in a new sport. Having the right shoe will prevent injury and assist in preventing sore feet and/or knees. Firstly you need to find out what type of arch your foot has. There are three types of feet; low-arched feet,

How fiber works

Unlike other foods fiber can not be digested. After consumption fiber will pass through your stomach, small intestine, colon and out your body relatively intact. There are two types of fibre, insoluble and soluble fibre. Insoluble fiber cannot be dissolved in water. This type of fiber promotes movement of material through the digestive track and

[Testimonial] Ozonated Olive Oil Ointment

“On the 15th of August I cut my thumb with a piece of glass, I applied Ozonated Olive Oil Ointment immediately and covered the cut with a plaster. I applied the ointment regularly on a daily base, after only 8 days the cut was almost completely gone!! It was amazing seeing how quickly it healed! Ozonated

Testimonial on our service

“Dankie vir die opvolg en goeie diens!”       ***     “Thank you for following up and your good service” Charmaine Gerber from Pretoria It is very important for us to stay in touch with our clients before and after a purchase giving them peace of mind.

Testimonial on our efficiency

We pride ourselves in helping new and old clients with their problems as quickly and efficiently as possible. No problem is too big or too small for us. “Thank you for your efficiency!” Hajra Mahomed from Healing Alternatives Botswana

[WARNING] Ozone Sauna owners Beware of service and repair jobs!

Here at Salvagente we don’t just sell ozone saunas, we offer complete peace of mind whether you are in need of marketing support for your clinic, questions on specific diseases and even to keep you informed. This article is again a stark warning to any and all owners of ozone steam saunas. It came to

ozone molecule, salvagente,

[FAQ] How Does Ozone Work

We often get asked the question how does ozone work in your body, specifically through the ozone steam sauna. We have decided to share this excerpt from Dr Velio Bocci’s book which is based on scientific research. This research also brings to light that the previous notion of ozone entering the body through open pores

More Happy Clients [Testimonial]

We pride ourselves on fast, friendly and efficient service, but above all on providing you with value. This is what a customer had to say to us on 2 separate occasions after asking if everything was satisfactory to her needs: “Yes absolutely perfect. Thanks again.” AND “Thanks so much you are a star.” – Mandy

[Promotion] Free Insufflation Kit with the purchase of an Ozone Sauna

More and more times we are asked by our clients what can they do to supplement their treatment when they are not near their ozone saunas… Other times clients doesn’t have the luxury of good health to leave their ozone therapy treatments behind to go on holiday. In professional cases our clients’ customers require ozone