All posts tagged: skin disease

The effects of Ozone Therapy on Psoriasis

Psoriasis (IPA pronunciation: [səә’raj.əәsɪs]) is a disease which affects the skin and joints. It commonly causes red scaly patches to appear on the skin. The scaly patches caused by psoriasis, called psoriatic plaques, are areas of inflammation and excessive skin production. Skin rapidly accumulates at these sites and takes a silvery-white appearance. Plaques frequently occur

Ozone Therapy and Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a skin infection in the foot caused by a fungus. The fungus that causes Athlete foot is called Trichophyton. When the feet, or other areas of the body, stay moist, warm and irritated, this fungus can thrive and infect the upper layer of the skin. Athlete’s foot is caused by the ringworm

Ozone Therapy and Skin Disease

Ozone therapy (the correct term is Tri-atomic Oxygen, but for simplicity we will call it Ozone) is a revolutionary medical treatment producing far reaching results in human health care and is being practiced all over the world today. In this blog we will focus on how Ozone Therapy can benefit your skin. Ozone therapy is

Shining light on skin cancer

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and deserves some much needed love and attention. Your skin is a indication of the type of person your are, extreme and outdoor, conserved and indoor, no matter what type of person you are your skin must always be your number one priority. Skin cancer is

Grey Cell Enterprises – Ozonated Plant Extracts, Patient Information

The use of natural extracts and products for infection control and eradication, and to stimulate accelerated tissue healing, has been documented since Ancient Egyptian times – about 2,500 – 3000 years ago. This new range of organic oils and plant extracts are based on plant and vegetable oils treated with ozone. These extracts undergo a