All posts tagged: Unsafe

13 Alternative (and dangerous) ways to get wasted!

To rid your body of the toxins after being high, detox with the ozone sauna and ozone steam therapy. __________________________________________________________________________ What other dangerous methods do you know of? Warn our readers! __________________________________________________________________________ Follow us:


These will make you think twice about smoking

Anti tobacco art showing the real outcome of smoking: Dead bodies, diseased lungs and a man on a ventilator were among the graphic images for revamped tobacco labels unveiled by US health officials. Proposed in November under a law that put the multibillion-dollar tobacco industry under the control of the Food and Drug Administration, the

Unsafe Administering of Rectal Insufflation

It has come to our attention that unsafe and potential dangerous practices of Rectal Insufflations are taking place. Please be aware that not all ozone generators can be used for such therapy, and that you use the right equipment. This is the equipment that is needed (ozone generator and medical oxygen excluded in picture). Please