Ozone Steam Sauna

[Recipe] Blueberry Ketchup

This delicious ketchup recipe is great for your health. Blueberry ketchup works great on burgers and for dipping chicken nuggets or french fries. This recipe makes about 3 cups of ketchup and can be either be stored in the fridge for 2 weeks of in the freezer for about 1 month. Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups

[Recipe] Antioxidant Smoothie with Pomegranate

Get those antioxidants flowing with this delicious smoothie recipe. This recipe serves one. Ingredients: 1/2 cup Pomegranate arils 1 cup Blueberries, frozen 1 Banana, peeled 1/2 cup Raspberries, frozen 1 tbsp Cacao powder 3 cups Baby spinach 220 ml Almond milk,unsweetened Method: In a blender add the pomegranate, blueberries, banana, raspberries, cocoa, spinach and almond

The amazing uses of Green Tea

Green tea originated in the Southwest area of China about 3000 years ago. In those days green tea were either chewed or eaten, but over time they discovered that they can flavour the water they drink. In the 8th century they started steaming the leaves to inhibit oxidation and by the 12th century they started

A handy guide to portion control

Portion control has been top of the weight loss charts for many years  now. Professionals claim that by eating the right portions, you can basically enjoy all types of food even the naughty ones. I approve this message! I have been quite skinny for most of my life but there has been times where I

[Recipe] Antioxidant Rich Smoothie

This lovely recipe makes 2 servings and will take about 15 minutes to make. Ingredients 240 ml Pomegranate juice 1/2 ripe avocado, pitted and peeled 4 dates, pitted 2 tbsp Ground flax seeds 4 cups Baby spinach 4 cups Romaine lettuce 1 cup Frozen blueberries 1 cup Frozen strawberries Method: In a blender, add the

A Guide to Homemade Coconut Oil Beauty Products

While Pinterest may be a home for out-of-reach, lofty craft goals, there are some amazing beauty products you can make at home using just a few simple ingredients. North West Pharmacy has compiled a list of the best coconut oil based recipes to create an InfoGraphic entitled “A Guide to Homemade Coconut Oil Beauty Products”. Coconut

[Recipe] Antioxidant Smoothie with almonds & berries

There is no better taste in this world than a combination of berries and nuts. These two food groups are a match made in heaven. This recipe make 1-3 servings, depending on how greedy you are. Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups Almond milk 2 cups Mixed berries, frozen 2-3 tbsp Honey, adjust to taste 1 tsp

[Recipe] Coconut & lime detox drink

Green is not always the most desirable colour when eating and drinking, but this smoothie recipe is a must try in any detox. Ingredients: 1 cup Baby spinach 1/3 cup Lime juice, freshly squeezed 3 tbsp Lemon juice, freshly squeezed 1 cup Coconut water 1 cup ice Maple syrup to taste Method: Add the spinach,

How to choose the healthiest meat

Hunting and eating meat has been done for millennia. Meat is high in protein, iron, vitamins, zinc and magnesium. These are all nutrients essential in a healthy diet. But, these days we no longer have to hunt and kill our own food, we can just pop over to the nearest super market and choose from

[Recipe] Pina Colada Smoothie

This smoothie can be enjoyed any time of day and is 100% alcohol free, if you desire. Ingredients: 185 ml Coconut milk 3/4 cup Pineapple, cubed and frozen 1/2 Banana, cut in half and frozen 1 tbsp Honey 1 tsp Lime juice, freshly squeezed 1 pinch Sea salt Method: In a blender add the coconut