All posts tagged: ozone steam sauna

Showing our support for Cancer Month 2017

Daily we hear stories of terminally ill patients, patients with life threatening diseases, but most concerning is the amount of cancer patients contacting us for help. The trend is unmistakable, cancer is on the rise, and it’s not just the elderly! Just this week a relative of a 7 year old cancer victim phoned us.

[Testimonial] Skin lesion reduction

It’s always great to see the effectiveness of a product you believe in, and we are excited to share a testimonial we received from our New Zealand resellers. This reduction of a skin lesion was achieved in only 6 sessions! Should you also struggle with abnormal skin growth, or would just like to improve your

Safety tips for Road Cyclists

Over the past few years, road biking has become one of the most popular sports among young and old in South Africa. Cycling, is one of the best types of exercise one can do. It is a low impact sport and when done properly, with enough enthusiasm, one can achieve an almost full body workout.

Ozone Therapy and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder characterised most commonly by cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea. IBS causes a great deal of discomfort and distress, but it does not permanently harm the intestines and does not lead to a serious disease, such as cancer. Most people can control their symptoms with diet, stress management,

How Ozone Effects the Body

As we all know Ozone Therapy can drastically improve your overall health by increasing the oxygen levels in your blood. But what does this exactly mean? Below are 13 Physiological effects of Ozone Therapy on the body, taken from a study done by Dr Frank Shallenberger. Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells. When these

Ozone Therapy and Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, often simply diabetes is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism and inappropriately high blood sugar (hyper- glycemia) resulting from either low levels of the hormone insulin, or from abnormal resistance to insulin’s effects coupled with inadequate levels of insulin secretion to compensate. The characteristic symptoms are excessive urine production polyuria, excessive thirst and increased

Asthma & Ozone Therapy

Asthma is a chronic illness involving the respiratory system in which the airway occasionally constricts, becomes inflamed, and is lined with excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to one or more triggers. These episodes may be triggered by:  Exposure to an environmental stimulant (or allergen), Cold air. Warm air. Moist air. Exercise or exertion.

Ozone sauna promotion, free marketing,

[Promotion] Create awareness about your Ozone Clinic under 10 000 people!

Back by popular demand, we’ll advertise your clinic to at least 10 000 targeted people on Social Media. When you buy Salvagente’s Ozone Sauna Package this September for only R60 000, you will benefit from additional exposure to help boost your business. Our professional designers will assist to make your ad look beautiful, and Salvagente will pay the bill

Even non-clients are happy with our service

THIS is WHY we do what we do; to preserve life is more than just creating world class products, more than just making money, more than just seeing results. It’s the things we will never experience as a company; the memories and fulfilment it brings to the families of people affected by disease. We were

Gout: How Ozone Therapy can help

Gout (also called metabolic arthritis) is a disease due to a congenital disorder of uric acid metabolism. In this condition, monosodium urate or uric acid crystals are deposited on the articular cartilage of joints, tendons and surrounding tissues due to elevated concentrations of uric acid in the blood stream.   This provokes an inflammatory reaction