All posts tagged: tea

[Infographic] Green tea, from harvest to cup

Tea, in some countries, are considered an all day everyday beverage. It is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water and has multiple health benefits. There are over 3,000 varieties of tea available today. These varieties can be placed in one of six categories; black, dark (including pu’erh), oolong, yellow, green, and white.

The amazing uses of Green Tea

Green tea originated in the Southwest area of China about 3000 years ago. In those days green tea were either chewed or eaten, but over time they discovered that they can flavour the water they drink. In the 8th century they started steaming the leaves to inhibit oxidation and by the 12th century they started

Coffee vs Tea

We all have our beverage of choice and most of us would fight to the death when trying to convince others why our choice is better. But the fact of the matter is both tea and coffee have their pros and cons and it all boils down to which one you prefer. Some of us

A cup full of tea facts

I personally love doing blogs about tea. There are more types and tastes of teas than there are types and tastes of coffee. As I have written quite a few blogs about tea, this one will be a bit different and will it be facts only. No iffy story on what I think or what