All posts tagged: vitality

Woman running comrades marathon after ozone therapy

Ozone Sauna Treatment For Enhanced Sports Performance & Accelerated Recovery

After enduring the challenges, such as the recently held Comrades Marathon, athletes rightly deserve meticulous care and thorough recovery methods to rejuvenate their bodies. One increasingly popular method gaining traction is the Ozone Sauna Treatment. The Ozone Sauna Treatment presents athletes with a comprehensive strategy for recuperation. By integrating the advantages of ozone therapy with

Ozone sauna a must have addition for an ultimate spa experience

Ultimate Spa Experience: Why an Ozone Sauna is a Must-Have

Today, we dive into the world of luxurious spa treatments and explore one of the hottest trends in the industry – the ozone sauna. As spa-goers increasingly seek innovative ways to enhance their relaxation and well-being, ozone saunas has emerged as a must-have for any modern spa. We will discuss the numerous benefits and advantages

Bonzai growing calmly depicting the march of the wellness industry

The Growth of the Wellness Industry: Embracing a Healthier Future

As more and more people prioritize their health and well-being, the growth of the wellness industry has witnessed a phenomenal boom. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this growth, explore the various sectors within the wellness industry, and highlight the incredible benefits it offers to individuals and businesses alike. The Rapid Growth of the Wellness

End of Year Promotion for our Business Clients

As 2018 is nearing it’s end, it is only the start for many a spa and ozone clinic. This time of year is great to start something new, because when everybody else is winding down, a host of opportunities presents itself for those willing to take it on. To show our support and commitment to

[Infographic] The #1 Daily Routine for Seniors

As one grows older, it only becomes harder and harder to plan out your days and stick to a healthy way of life on a daily basis. Mastering a productive daily routine can be quite the process, especially if you can’t think of a place to start. That’s why we here at Cascade Group Bellewood have created

[Infographic] Guide to Pasta Shapes

Ahh, pasta. It’s carb-y goodness can be served so many ways: soaked in a red sauce, smothered in cheese, or just with a pat of butter. Despite being one of the first dishes we all learned how to cook, many of us don’t have a thorough pasta vocabulary. There are over 200 types of pasta

[Infographic] Cleaning Tips for a Pet-Safe Home

We understand that Wellness isn’t just about exercise, healthy diets and ozone saunas. The animals in our lives also contribute to our overall wellness. Pets bring so much happiness and light to our homes, which is why we’ll want to keep them safe and healthy. Did you know, however, that some household cleaners can actually

[Infographic] Why cat owners are healthier

It’s no secret, cats have a strange effect on people… The ancient Egyptians worshipped them, royalty “owned” them, celebrities bragged about them and some (a lot actually) have their own Social Media accounts. Ever since the birth of the world wide web in 1990, people have been sending each other funny cat images. In 2015,

Staying in Shape as a Single Parent

How to Find the Time, Energy & Money? As a parent, it’s common to think there’s never enough time, but the truth is that we make time for the things we want to make time for. As you’ve probably already learned at this point, intentionality becomes more important after you have children, and even more

[Infographic] Reformer Pilates Exercises Suitable For Beginners

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and incorporating a regular fitness routine into your lifestyle is beneficial for both your body and your brain! Mind-body workouts are underestimated as a fantastic way of conditioning both your body and incorporating mindfulness into your practice. Pilates is one of those important mind-body workouts and