Ozone Therapy

[Infographic] Nutrition & Oral Health

I’m not sure how many of you will agree with me, but of all the “everyday” pain in the world, toothache is the worst. That sharp lighting-bolt-like pain that shoots into your jaw continuing into a part of your brain/ head that you never even knew was there. Those of you who have experienced this

Kindness and your health

As you all know, Salvagente not only sells ozone saunas, we are also advocates for healthy living and overall wellness. Ozone therapy is a great, non-invasive way to improve your overall health and wellness. Ozone therapy has shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, to name a few. “How is this possible?” you may ask,

[Infographic] How long before food spoils?

As hard as it is to believe: One third of the food produced in the world each year – or approximately 1.3 billion tons — gets lost or wasted. How much of this food waste occurs in our very own homes? More often than not, food gets pushed to the back of our freezers, refrigerators, or

Ozone Therapy For Neuropathy

Any form of neuropathy refers to damage to a particular set of nerves. While different nerves may require different treatments, one commonality is that nerves need blood and oxygen, and any form of therapy that reintroduces these two things to nerves may promote your recovery from neuropathy. Ozone therapy introduces ozone, commonly made up of the

[Infographic] Guide to a perfect kitchen

Knowing how to cook should be something everyone learns early on in life. In today’s world there is too much access to convenience and processed food is everywhere. However, if you have never been taught to cook, it might seem overwhelming. There are so many terms, ingredients and equipment that you might need to get started.

The Elderly and the World Wide Web

Older people are joining the Internet bandwagon in a variety of ways. What’s more, they use the WWW to inform, enrich, and amuse themselves. About 66 percent of Americans above 65 and some 87 percent in the 57 to 64 age group log on to the Internet on a regular basis. Baby boomers spend about

[Infographic] Green tea, from harvest to cup

Tea, in some countries, are considered an all day everyday beverage. It is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water and has multiple health benefits. There are over 3,000 varieties of tea available today. These varieties can be placed in one of six categories; black, dark (including pu’erh), oolong, yellow, green, and white.

[Infographic] Guide to Pasta Shapes

Ahh, pasta. It’s carb-y goodness can be served so many ways: soaked in a red sauce, smothered in cheese, or just with a pat of butter. Despite being one of the first dishes we all learned how to cook, many of us don’t have a thorough pasta vocabulary. There are over 200 types of pasta

4 Reasons Why Fad Diets Don’t Work

In South Africa, 25% of males and 39% of females are either overweight or obese, recent statistics from National Nutrition Week reveal. And while the idea of fast weight loss is tempting, fad diets often do more harm than good — despite their seemingly unwavering popularity. Let’s take a look at four reasons why fad diets simply don’t


More doctors trying to debunk ozone therapy

Recently there has been an uptake from medical professionals, professors and healthcare bodies trying to discredit ozone therapy. This can be due to a myriad of reasons, but we suspect it is a combination of ignorance, fear, and parties within the ozone industry spreading false information and misleading the public to benefit financially. We will