All posts tagged: exercise

Woman running comrades marathon after ozone therapy

Ozone Sauna Treatment For Enhanced Sports Performance & Accelerated Recovery

After enduring the challenges, such as the recently held Comrades Marathon, athletes rightly deserve meticulous care and thorough recovery methods to rejuvenate their bodies. One increasingly popular method gaining traction is the Ozone Sauna Treatment. The Ozone Sauna Treatment presents athletes with a comprehensive strategy for recuperation. By integrating the advantages of ozone therapy with

[Infographic] Be more mindful at work

Let’s face it, most of our jobs can get pretty hectic every now and again. For some, their job is like a roller coaster with ups and downs, others feel that their jobs are more like a constant free fall into an endless abyss and others have switched over to a smile of denial with

[Infographic] The #1 Daily Routine for Seniors

As one grows older, it only becomes harder and harder to plan out your days and stick to a healthy way of life on a daily basis. Mastering a productive daily routine can be quite the process, especially if you can’t think of a place to start. That’s why we here at Cascade Group Bellewood have created

[Infographic] The secret to healthy ageing in women

It’s no secret, getting old sucks, especially for women. It’s like one day you just woke up old. You have no idea when it happened, it just did. During our teens and twenties, our bodies go through a lot of changes and we seem to keep weight off quite easily, we spend hours in the

[Infographic] When you might need a supplement?

When it comes to wellness, there are a lot of factors you need to consider. Eating properly, getting enough exercise, and taking enough time out for yourself are all vital to your well being. But what happens when you need a bit of an extra boost? If you are a bodybuilder, for example, it would

Staying in Shape as a Single Parent

How to Find the Time, Energy & Money? As a parent, it’s common to think there’s never enough time, but the truth is that we make time for the things we want to make time for. As you’ve probably already learned at this point, intentionality becomes more important after you have children, and even more

[Infographic] Reformer Pilates Exercises Suitable For Beginners

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and incorporating a regular fitness routine into your lifestyle is beneficial for both your body and your brain! Mind-body workouts are underestimated as a fantastic way of conditioning both your body and incorporating mindfulness into your practice. Pilates is one of those important mind-body workouts and

Exercise myths

We all know the importance of regular exercise. Getting enough exercise is vital for your overall health and helps improve your blood circulation, prevent obesity and aids in fighting diseases like cold & flu, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high cholesterol and anxiety & depression to name a few. So, what counts as exercise? Well, anything

How exercise can improve your health

Have you ever realized that the first thing a GP normally tells you to change is your lifestyle? The reason they do this is because it is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. They are not trying to fool you, they are actually giving you the best advise ever. By improving our lifestyles we can drastically improve our health

Ozone Therapy and Sports Injuries

Regular exercise is great for your overall health. We should all get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. This does not necessarily have to include heavy exercise. Some of us are built for endurance, others for strength, balance or flexibility. You need to find the perfect combo for you. The difference between the