All posts tagged: medical benefits

Green Tea and lung cancer

Over the past few decades, Westerners have embraced the Eastern Cultures of herbal medicine traditions but most importantly the variety of tea and each of their benefits. Green Tea has won the battle of the teas. Presently Green Tea is freely available in Supermarkets and can even be ordered at your favourite restaurant. Green Tea

[Recipe] Boost Weight Loss

As you reach a certain age, losing an extra kilo here and there is not an easy task. This drink will help your body to detox by getting rid of all the excess toxins. Ingredients: 2 liters Mineral water 1 Medium cucumber 1 Lemon 10-12 mint leaves Directions: Wash fruit and veg under running water.

How water ends up in your sink

Something we have taken for granted over decades is water. We are so fortunate to be able to open a tap and we have instant, clean and disease free water. Did you know that over 345 million people in the world do not have access to clean water. 3,4 million of those people die each

Anti-inflammatory drink

  We have all had that nagging lower back pain or a stiff neck. This anti-inflammatory drink will elevate aches and pains caused by inflammation in the muscles. This drink is not a cure but a healthier way to improve how you feel and elevates mild aches. Ingredients: 1/2 pineapple 1 lime 1,5 cm ginger


Since the 1980’s cases of HIV/AIDS have drastically increased. Africa has the highest amount of HIV/AIDS cases. More than 20% of people in South Africa are suffering from HIV/AIDS. Countries in Northern Africa range between 2-10%. Russia 1-2% and the USA 0,5-1%. Countries like Canada, most areas in South America, Europe and Australia have a

In a nutshell

Nuts are a good source of energy, fiber and protein. Incorporating nuts into your diet will improve your overall health as well as help you stay fuller for longer, preventing you from over eating at mealtimes and snacking on crisps, sweets and chocolate. To get the most out of vitamins and minerals you can also combine

(Recipe) Vitamin Infused Water

As so much of our everyday food is genetically enhanced and covered in pesticides we can no longer think one or two pieces of fruit a day will be enough. It is very important to opt for 100% Organic fruits and vegetables, but remember to check the labels for no GMO’s as some organic foods

Egg-cellente facts

Nothing beats the combined smells of crackling bacon in a pan, bread tanning in the toaster, a big pan of scrambled eggs and a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Eggs got good and bad press reviews over the past few years. Are they now good or bad for you??? Well as most things in live;

(Recipe) Stress Relieving Drink

  We live in a very fast paced and stressful world. Making your own juice from fruit and veg will benefit your general health and keep you full of energy. Juicing your fruit and veg does not mean you are making a smoothie. When making this type of juice you will need a de-juicer, which

Eating smart for your heart

We focus so much time on looking skinny, fit, beautiful and sporting the latest fashions, that we forget about the important things. Although no one will be able to see your heart, lungs, liver etc from the outside that does not mean it isn’t important. Beauty starts within and I’m not talking about your personality.