All posts tagged: depression

The Do’s and Don’ts for a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep affects how we perform during the day, how we look, how we feel and can have a major impact on our overall health. According to the dictionary sleep is; “A condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive,

Stress and your health

We have all had our fair share of stress, especially when entering the ‘real’ world. Stress is a very tricky and sometimes overlooked illness. In the world we live in today we are consumed by a fast paced, live-or-die type of mentality. We live in a constant rush to nowhere and everything had to be

Reasons why you should start meditating today!

Meditation is a prehistoric concept which involved repetitive and rhythmic chants or “Mantras”. The first documented meditation came from the Hindu religion dating back to 1500 BC. Other cultures who embraced meditation were the rest of India, China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and Israel. Today, meditation is frowned upon in some Christian countries as it is

Stress and your health

We will all experience stress at some point or another in our lives. The main thing is how to deal with stress. Stress, I believe, is the biggest killer there is. It deteriorates and kills your body slowly and one day, bam! You’re in the hospital. Stress can have irreversible effects on your body. Stress

Picture of mental health

I have found that over the past few years the number of people diagnosed with a mental disorder has increased drastically. I am not sure if the numbers have increased due to more people developing a disorder or if people feel more at ease to come “out of the closet”. There is no shame in

Stress in the workplace

We have all had that one job which just proved to be too much when it came to stress. Are you still in that situation? Or are you still trying to make yourself believe life is good? Stress in the workplace can take a major toll on your life and your overall health. Even though

The truth about ADHD

ADHD is a very touchy subject to most parents as none of us would like our child to be diagnosed with something that can’t be cured and that might disable your child from doing certain things. Lets face it, some children are more of a handful than others. That does not necessarily mean that they

11 ways men and women deal with depression

Depression comes in many shapes and sizes. Some of us can live with mild depression without ever knowing it, whereas others may suffer severe depression which completely takes over their lives. Each and every one of us will suffer from depression at one point or another, depending on what’s happening in your life. Depression in

Back pain 101

We have all had our fair share of back pain, being the lower-, middle- or upper back. There are numerous reasons why you might be suffering from back pain. I believe posture is the biggest culprit when it comes to back pain. Most of us have desk jobs and are stationary in one position for

Happy-workers vs Sad-workers

The amount of people who are unhappy on a daily basis has grown considerable over the past few years. We all live in a fast paced world rushing from one thing to the next. We no longer have time for ourselves to do the things that we love, but rather focusing on keeping our heads