All posts tagged: diet


We have been bombarded by calories over the past few years, this is mainly due to the high obesity rate in the world. Here are the top ten obese countries in the world: Nauru (a tiny pacific island). 95% of the people on this island are obese this is mainly due to a traditional ceremony

Bipolar disorder – The basic fact sheet

Bipolar disorder is also know as manic-depressive illness. The main symptoms of bipolar disorder is an unusual shift in mood, activity levels, energy levels and the inability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Bipolar is a very destructive illness as it damages relationships, effects your job and school performance and can even lead to suicidal thoughts

10 tips for better sleep

The importance of sleep has been recognized as one of the three most important factors of healthy living. Exercise and good nutrition has always over shadowed other important aspects of healthy living. Finally, the spotlight has moved to sleep and the importance thereof. A lack of sleep has multiple side effects, these include; lack of

10 Health benefits of Broccoli

Mens health magazine has awarded broccoli with being ranked in the top 40 most nutritional food. Broccoli is widely available in all seasons. Broccoli is considered to be one of the most nutritious vegetables that can offer numerous health benefits. Broccoli as any other food is better taken in moderation. To get the most out

15 Things you should know about caffeine

For the past decade people have been arguing about if caffeine is good or bad for you. Personally, I believe that all is good in moderation. It has been proved that 2-3 cups op coffee or tea per day will enhance brain function, relieve stress and improve concentration. If you are a caffeine addict on

Do you know your migraine triggers?

Millions of people in the world get migraine, some worse than others. Women are more prone on getting migraine. Migraine are pulsing headaches on one or both sides of the head and often burrows behind one eye. Any sound, movement or light may seem to intensify the pain. Before the start of a migraine some

10 Ginger benefits

Ginger has been around since the dawn of time. As ginger has many healing properties most cultures embrace this root as a general cooking and flavoring ingredient. The Chinese have been using ginger for medicinal use for over 2000 years. It is believed to have magical properties and that this small root can heal most

Tea Time InfoGraphic

Like cat and dog lovers, society is split in half when it comes to the preferred hot beverage to consume, each side promoting the health benefits of their chosen drink. In reality, whether you prefer coffee or tea, both have their benefits. The biggest thing is moderate consuming, as both drinks contain caffeine. Yes you

[InfoGraphic] What’s the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Most people are aware of the disease diabetes, but fewer people know that you get different types of diabetes, and fewer still know what is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. This informative infographic shows the difference between the 2, with reference to how it’s caused, what the symptoms are and if

InfoGraphic on Heart Disease [UK]

Without heeding the warning signs, you are flipping a coin in an almost 50/50 chance of surviving. Heart disease is on every continent, in every country, yet many people choose to ignore this life threatening disease. In fact, they exacerbate their chances through unhealthy lifestyles. Instead of lowering cholesterol we eat oily fast foods. To