All posts tagged: ozone steam therapy

Woman running comrades marathon after ozone therapy

Ozone Sauna Treatment For Enhanced Sports Performance & Accelerated Recovery

After enduring the challenges, such as the recently held Comrades Marathon, athletes rightly deserve meticulous care and thorough recovery methods to rejuvenate their bodies. One increasingly popular method gaining traction is the Ozone Sauna Treatment. The Ozone Sauna Treatment presents athletes with a comprehensive strategy for recuperation. By integrating the advantages of ozone therapy with

Ozone sauna a must have addition for an ultimate spa experience

Ultimate Spa Experience: Why an Ozone Sauna is a Must-Have

Today, we dive into the world of luxurious spa treatments and explore one of the hottest trends in the industry – the ozone sauna. As spa-goers increasingly seek innovative ways to enhance their relaxation and well-being, ozone saunas has emerged as a must-have for any modern spa. We will discuss the numerous benefits and advantages

End of Year Promotion for our Business Clients

As 2018 is nearing it’s end, it is only the start for many a spa and ozone clinic. This time of year is great to start something new, because when everybody else is winding down, a host of opportunities presents itself for those willing to take it on. To show our support and commitment to

[Testimonial] Improvement from Bells Palsy

Disease sometimes struck unexpectedly, and the healing occurs sometimes from just such unexpected places. Our New Zealand Resellers (O3 Limited) shared one of their client’s testimonials, and this is the first confirmed case from our side where ozone therapy in the ozone steam saunas assisted with Bells Palsy. What’s more, these results was achieved after

[Infographic] Reformer Pilates Exercises Suitable For Beginners

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and incorporating a regular fitness routine into your lifestyle is beneficial for both your body and your brain! Mind-body workouts are underestimated as a fantastic way of conditioning both your body and incorporating mindfulness into your practice. Pilates is one of those important mind-body workouts and

Mindfulness tips and tricks directly from a Buddhist Monk

We had the pleasure to have dinner with a Tibetan Monk. We were keen to learn some practical tips on meditation, and this is the shortened introductory steps for beginners: Sit upright in a comfortable and quiet room Place your hands on your knees, palms down Tilt your head slightly down, and relax your eyes

[Testimonial] Skin lesion reduction

It’s always great to see the effectiveness of a product you believe in, and we are excited to share a testimonial we received from our New Zealand resellers. This reduction of a skin lesion was achieved in only 6 sessions! Should you also struggle with abnormal skin growth, or would just like to improve your

How Ozone can help fight Hypertension

Hypertension, commonly referred to as “high blood pressure” or HTN, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. While it is formally called arterial hypertension, the word “hypertension” without a qualifier usually refers to arterial hypertension. Hypertension can be classified as either primary or secondary. Primary hyper- tension indicates that no

[Recipe] Detox your body

How many of us actually know what a detox is? We all use the word but none of us actually know exactly how to detox. Most people think a detox is when you only drink 100% fruit juice and liquidize any meals you might want to eat if the “Juice-only” diet is not enough. This

Causes of cancer

These days it is as if everything and anything can cause cancer; from what you eat to what you drink and even the vaccines you got as a baby. How do we truly know we are safe? The problem is we never will. Although we are a lot more advanced than a hundred years ago,