Ozone Steam Sauna

How exercise can improve your health

Have you ever realized that the first thing a GP normally tells you to change is your lifestyle? The reason they do this is because it is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. They are not trying to fool you, they are actually giving you the best advise ever. By improving our lifestyles we can drastically improve our health

The Truth About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a serious issue in the world of cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, over the past three decades, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined. One person dies of melanoma every hour (every 54 minutes). On average, a person’s risk for melanoma doubles if he or she

Understanding diets

These days it feels like around every corner there is a new diet, each claiming to be newer, better and more improved than any other diet that previously existed. Something we should all realize is that not every diet will work for you. Choosing a diet is more complicated than we might think. There are

Issues with your Thyroid?

There are two types of thyroid problems; hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid) and hypothyroidism (under active thyroid). Hyperthyroidism is when your thyroid produces too much thyroid hormones and hypothyroidism is when your thyroid produces too little thyroid hormones. What does this mean exactly and do you have issues with your thyroid? If your body produces too

The truth about sugar

We’ve all heard how bad processed food is for your health. But what exactly is processed food? Well, processed food is any food that was made or prepared for you in a factory or similar surroundings. So processed food is not only cold meat, soda, snacks like potato chips, candy bars and sweets. It is

[Recipe] Sesame Stir-fry Wrap

This delicious recipe is easy to make and quick to prepare. It is best to wrap your wraps individually with either foil or cling wrap, this will reduce the chance of them falling apart before lunch time. Ingredients: 2 tbsp Tahini Juice ½ lemon 1 large wholemeal Tortilla wrap ½ x 265g pack Stir-fry vegetables

Salvagente NOW offers Financing

Do you want to offer another high profit margin therapy to your existing clients? Have an extra or under utilized room in your spa or salon? Clients are becoming more discerning, and they wish to receive a holistic package of treatments under one roof. Ozone therapy gives you the edge to offer a non-invasive cosmetic

The importance of stretching

And it’s official, most of us are back to work. Gone are the days of sleeping in, doing what you want whenever we want, binge eating and in the case of all South Africans, soaking up the beautiful African sun. The first few weeks of work is always the best, you are super motivated, full of

The power of smiling

Smiling is not just good for you it’s also contagious. In the world we live in today we find it more and more difficult to crack a smile. We are so focused on getting through the day that we rarely stop to smell the roses. There are so many things we can smile at each

[Recipe] Turkish Delight Truffles

Add some finess to your after dinner tea with these delicious truffles. This recipe yields about 24 truffles. It is best to make them well in advance. Ingredients: 1/4 cup thickened Cream 400g Dark chocolate, chopped 110g chocolate-coated Turkish delight bars, finely chopped 50g White chocolate, chopped Method: Place half the dark chocolate and 1/4cup