All posts tagged: bacteria

Easiest Mental Health Hack – Stay Hydrated

Most people understand that diet and sleep schedules have a profound impact on mental health. Fewer people seem to understand that hydration, or the amount of fluids you consume, also has a profound impact on mental function and mental health. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, taking the time to ensure

[Infographic] The #1 Daily Routine for Seniors

As one grows older, it only becomes harder and harder to plan out your days and stick to a healthy way of life on a daily basis. Mastering a productive daily routine can be quite the process, especially if you can’t think of a place to start. That’s why we here at Cascade Group Bellewood have created

[Infographic] Guide to a perfect kitchen

Knowing how to cook should be something everyone learns early on in life. In today’s world there is too much access to convenience and processed food is everywhere. However, if you have never been taught to cook, it might seem overwhelming. There are so many terms, ingredients and equipment that you might need to get started.

[Infographic] Cleaning Tips for a Pet-Safe Home

We understand that Wellness isn’t just about exercise, healthy diets and ozone saunas. The animals in our lives also contribute to our overall wellness. Pets bring so much happiness and light to our homes, which is why we’ll want to keep them safe and healthy. Did you know, however, that some household cleaners can actually

How Ozone Attacks Disease

Looking at a diseased cell electrochemically, the first thing that differentiates it from normal cells is that the protein coating that surrounds it is contoured distinctly. The disease that has invaded the cell is parasitical, drawing off the cellular electricity or ‘life force’ of its host. This creates ‘cell stress’ and under these conditions, the

Ozone Therapy and the Flu

Winter is in full swing in South Africa and it looks like we’re in for a cold one. Temperatures are 1-4 degrees lower than previous years and snow has been reported across the country. For all our international readers, snow in SA is not a regular occurrence. The average winter temperatures range between a low

Ozone Therapy and Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a skin infection in the foot caused by a fungus. The fungus that causes Athlete foot is called Trichophyton. When the feet, or other areas of the body, stay moist, warm and irritated, this fungus can thrive and infect the upper layer of the skin. Athlete’s foot is caused by the ringworm

Nutritional Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Most of us don’t mind the odd piece of dark chocolate here and there, but how guilty should you feel after eating it? Well, not guilty at all! Much research have been done over the past few years on the benefits of dark chocolate and to my delight most effects are positive. Dark chocolate is

How do germs spread?

As a bit of a germaphobe, I tend to be a bit over the top when it comes to the spreading of germs. I will not touch public surfaces like counter tops, escalator railings, railings on stairs or elevator buttons. I get severely irritable when people stand too close to me in a queue and

The plant of life – various uses for coconut

The origin of coconut is disputable as coconut fossils have been found in South America, Malaysia and India. Some of these fossils date back to about 55 million years ago. A coconut tree is part of the “palm tree” family and is mostly found in tropical areas around the world. When a coconut is still