All posts tagged: longevity

Ozone Therapy and Stress & Anxiety

In the world we live in today, each and every one of us will suffer from stress or anxiety at one point or another. Some of us will experience this for a short period of time and others will experience it on a regular basis. Because stress and anxiety is directly related to each individual’s

Eczema & Ozone Therapy

Eczema is a medical condition that causes the skin to become itchy, inflamed, dry, red and cracked. The most common form of eczema is atopic eczema. It mainly effects children, but adults can also develop it. Atopic eczema effects each individual differently. The most common areas where you can develop atopic eczema are: On the

Ozone Therapy and Headaches

Headaches, we’ve all had at least one. Some unlucky folk get them on a regular basis. A headache can consists of a throbbing, splitting or stabbing pain on one side of the head, both sides of the head or even in the head/neck area. You get different types of headaches each with different levels of

How Ozone Attacks Disease

Looking at a diseased cell electrochemically, the first thing that differentiates it from normal cells is that the protein coating that surrounds it is contoured distinctly. The disease that has invaded the cell is parasitical, drawing off the cellular electricity or ‘life force’ of its host. This creates ‘cell stress’ and under these conditions, the

Ozone Therapy – What you should or shouldn’t do

Ozone Therapy and a healthy lifestyle goes hand-in-hand. It is very important that you get regular excise and eat a well balanced healthy diet. Drink at least 1-1,5 litres of water daily. To enhance the benefits of Ozone Therapy there are however a few extra things you can do. What you SHOULD do: Drink a

Ozone Therapy and Prevention

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, these words were spoken by Mr Benjamin Franklin. Yes, when he said these words, he wasn’t necessarily talking about healthcare, but of fire prevention. Even so, these words are none the less true. We should live by these words, not just in healthcare but in

Ozone Therapy and Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Toxicity is of much greater concern in the twentieth century than ever before. There are multiple chemicals that we are exposed to which did not exist until recently. The air, soil and water are becoming increasingly polluted. This exposure, along with the common use of drugs, eating devitalised/refined foods, failing to exercise or drink enough

Safety tips for Road Cyclists

Over the past few years, road biking has become one of the most popular sports among young and old in South Africa. Cycling, is one of the best types of exercise one can do. It is a low impact sport and when done properly, with enough enthusiasm, one can achieve an almost full body workout.

[Promotion] Salvagente August 2016

August is the month to start preparing for the annual spring and summer rush beginning in September continuing all the way through to December. Some people want to shake off the excess weight gained, others want more energy for that summer body exercise routine, while others just want to get rid of the last traces

Who should NOT receive Ozone Treatment?

The popularity of Ozone Therapy is growing world wide. Ozone therapy is non-invasive and has no documented long- or short term side effects. Ozone should be introduced in moderate but monitored quantities into the body so that the singlet oxygen molecule (O1) can freely circulate and attack all invaders. It is the treatment of choice for