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[Recipe] Bacon, mushroom and cheese pasta

We all love a good pasta, especially when combined with bacon, mushroom and cheese. This delightful recipe serves 8 and contains only 180 calories per serving. Ingredients: 170g Whole wheat pasta 3 slices Turkey bacon 2 tsp Extra virgin olive oil 1 Small onion, diced 2 tsp Garlic, minced 2 cups Mushrooms, sliced 2 tbsp

The key to Happiness

We all strive to be happy. In truth we can all be happy. Yes, some of us will have to endure steeper hills and darker roads, but this should only make you stronger not withhold you from happiness. What is happiness? Is it a spring in your step, a feeling of butterflies in the stomach

[Recipe] Irish Brown Bread

This delicious bread recipe is easy to make and works great with breakfast. Remember to make a large X shape on-top of the bread. This recipe makes about 24 slices. Ingredients: 2 cups Whole-wheat flour 1 1/2 cups All-purpose flour 1/2 cup Wheat germ 2 tsp Baking soda 1/4 tsp Salt 2 cups Buttermilk, low-fat

[Recipe] Hurricane punch

This delicious recipe is packed with vitamin C and makes 6 servings. Each serving contains 80 calories. Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups Pineapple, chopped 2 cups Citrus fruit, peeled 1 Lemon’s juice 250 ml Cranberry juice 1 cup ice and extra for serving Directions: In a blender, add the pineapple, citrus, lemon juice and cranberry juice.

The facts of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, is a disorder that leads to bowel changes, abdominal pain, cramps and other symptoms. Between 9% and 23% of the world’s population suffers from IBS. The cause of IBS is unknown, but an unhealthy diet, drastic lifestyle changes, smoking, stress, anxiety and a lack of exercise have shown to worsen

[Recipe] Whole-wheat pretzels

This delicious recipe is low in sodium and easy to make. These delicious pretzels are about 182 Calories each and makes 12 servings. Ingredients: 12g Dry yeast 2 tsp Brown sugar 1/2 tsp Salt 1 1/2 cups Warm water 1 cup Bread flour 3 cups Whole-wheat flour 1 tbsp Olive oil 1/2 cup Wheat gluten

Some deaths are preventable

We grew up in a world where illness causes death and there was pretty much nothing you can do about it. Today, that mentality is a thing of the past. According to the World Health Organization, about one-third of all deaths in the world daily, are preventable. Over the years our technology has improved rapidly

[Recipe] Lemon Cheesecake

This delicious cheesecake recipe serves 8. Each serving contains about 80 calories. Ingredients: 2 tbs Cold water 1 Envelope unflavored gelatin 2 tbsp Lemon juice 1/2 cup Skim milk, heated almost to boiling 2 egg whites 1/4 cup Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla 2 cups Cottage cheese, low-fat Lemon zest for garnish Method: In a blender,

Nursing your sweet tooth

I cannot imagine a world without sugar. There is nothing better than a sweet dessert after a meal or an ice cream cone in the heat of summer. According to Wikipedia, sugar is the generalized name for sweet, short-chain, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. They are carbohydrates, composed of carbon, hydrogen,

[Recipe] Tomato basil bruschetta

Something to add on to the summer BBQ or a brunch with friends. This recipe serves 6. Ingredients: 1/2 Baguette, whole grain 2 tbsp Basil, chopped 1 tbsp Parsley, chopped 2 Garlic cloves, minced 3 Tomatoes, diced 1/2 cup Fennel, diced 1 tsp Olive oil 2 tsp Balsamic vinegar 1 tsp Black pepper Method: Preheat