All posts tagged: salvagente

[Recipe] Fresh Berries with Maple Cream

This delicious dessert is perfect for all diabetics and non-diabetics. This recipe serves 4 and contains about 140 calories per serving. Ingredients: 3/4 cup Fat-free sour cream 1/4 cup Maple syrup 1 cup Blueberries, fresh 1 1/2 cups Raspberries, fresh Method: In a small mixing bowl combine the sour cream and maple syrup. Whisk well.

The benefits of drinking water

We all know how important it is to drink enough water. An average human being can live without water for about 3-5 days. 50% – 60% of your body mass consists of water. In most countries we can no longer drink water from our taps, this is due to the water being treated with high

[Recipe] Seared Chicken with Avocado

This recipe is perfect for any diabetic looking for a delicious dinner recipe. This recipe yields 4 servings and takes about 30 minutes to prepare. One serving contains about 221 Calories. Ingredients: 1 1/2 tsp Blackened seasoning 4 Chicken breast, skinless & de-boned 1 tsp Olive oil 1 diced Avocado 2 tbsp Fresh cilantro, chopped

We eat less healthy than we think

How many times have you heard someone say; or ever found yourself saying; “I eat very healthy, why am I gaining weight?” or “Why am I not loosing weight?”. Well, the answer to that is quite easy. You’re eating wrong! 80% of all people who count their calories, count them wrongly or even leave out

[Recipe] 7 Quick & Heart Healthy Salad Dressings

Below are a few different types of heart healthy salad dressing recipes. A serving of salad dressing should be no more than 2 tablespoons! All these recipes can be stores in the fridge for up to 1 week. Oil & Vinegar Dressing – makes 6 servings Ingredients: 8 tbsp Canola oil 4 tbsp Vinegar Method:

Sweat: The big picture

It is a fact that we all sweat, some more than others. We are all born with sweat glands, which activate as soon as we hit puberty. It has been calculated that women on average have more sweat glands than men, but a man’s sweat glands are more active. The most common cause for sweating

Salvagente’s Ozone Steam Saunas featured in the Leaders in Wellness magazine

Over the last few years Oxygen and Ozone Therapy has become more popular and it is finally starting to get the credit it deserves. Salvagente has come a long way since the opening in 2007. In this 4 page feature we discuss how and where we started, what our name actually means and what we stand for. Our

[Recipe] Bacon, mushroom and cheese pasta

We all love a good pasta, especially when combined with bacon, mushroom and cheese. This delightful recipe serves 8 and contains only 180 calories per serving. Ingredients: 170g Whole wheat pasta 3 slices Turkey bacon 2 tsp Extra virgin olive oil 1 Small onion, diced 2 tsp Garlic, minced 2 cups Mushrooms, sliced 2 tbsp

The key to Happiness

We all strive to be happy. In truth we can all be happy. Yes, some of us will have to endure steeper hills and darker roads, but this should only make you stronger not withhold you from happiness. What is happiness? Is it a spring in your step, a feeling of butterflies in the stomach

[Recipe] Irish Brown Bread

This delicious bread recipe is easy to make and works great with breakfast. Remember to make a large X shape on-top of the bread. This recipe makes about 24 slices. Ingredients: 2 cups Whole-wheat flour 1 1/2 cups All-purpose flour 1/2 cup Wheat germ 2 tsp Baking soda 1/4 tsp Salt 2 cups Buttermilk, low-fat