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The Benefits of Meditation

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Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years by almost all nations. Each era, country or race had their own interpretation of meditation, but we all did it.

Meditation is a state where you either push all thoughts from your mind or where you only focus on one individual thought, usually an unsolved issue or emotion. Some cultures meditate for religious reasons and others for better well being. By practicing meditation you can drastically improve your mental and physical health.

Meditation helps reduce stress, improve concentration, encourage a healthy lifestyle, increase happiness, slows aging, improve cardiovascular health, boost immune health and increase self awareness to name a few. Meditation is something we all should practice. You should however know that meditating is NOT easy. You don’t just sit still and do nothing. You have to focus on your mind and body. Do not allow unrelated thoughts to creep in like what will you be making for dinner tonight, what your colleague said to you at lunch or the financial difficulties you are in. Choose what you want to meditate on and focus only on that. Do not let aches, itches or pains distract your thoughts.

Meditation can be done while sitting, standing or lying down. However the best way is to choose a quiet area, get a comfy pillow to sit on. Cross your legs, keep your back straight and your hands in your lap. No you don’t have to sit like Rafiki in the Lion King. Choose what works best for you.

Check out the InfoGraphic below for more on meditation.

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EditorThe Benefits of Meditation

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