Click here for LATEST UPDATE 13 August 2021 | UPDATE 6 August 2021 | FIRST UPDATE 29 July 2021
For our clients who placed back orders for the KSM-5 5lt oxygen concentrator, please read the important information below. For clients who placed orders for the KSOC-5 and KSOC-10 oxygen concentrators, the shipment is still on schedule and further information will follow during August.
There has been a delay in transit for the KSM-5 oxygen concentrators of a few days, this serves to update you on current status as well as other concerns regarding South Africa instability.
The KSM-5 oxygen concentrators leaving China in the container:

Estimates for arrival are predicted between the 4th and 7th of August.
Port Delays:
Various port delays were experienced the last 14 days due to higher demand congestion as well as port closures due to Typhoons. Good news is that the vessel has now cleared all other ports and land areas and the next destination port is Durban. Open waters also reduce potential risks for weather delays and we envision smooth sailing henceforth.

Durban port / transnet problems:
Transnet suffered a cyber attack last week which rendered it’s online system inoperable, resulting in severe delays unloading containers. The problem persists with a manual system implemented in the interim. Certain cargo ships are currently bypassing South African ports.
You can read the official statement from Transnet by clicking the button below:
We have several steps in place to mitigate this:
(1) The route of this particular vessel is only to Durban and back to Asia, which means there are no other ports after Durban it has to berth at on a specific date, which reduces risks of the vessel bypassing SA.
(2) Due to the previous delays by typhoons etc, it might be a blessing in disguise as we hope all IT systems will be up and running by the time the Dolphin II reaches Durban port.
(3) As a precaution we have submitted special clearance of the container as urgent COVID medical supplies and hope this will provide priority.
Unrest and Riots:
Although the civil unrest and riots SA experienced earlier this month seems under control, we have taken special precaution that in the case these riots flare up again, a special armed security convoy will escort the container from Durban port to the warehouse in Johannesburg. Due to the nature of the goods and the medical urgency of the intended recipients, we take a zero tolerance stand against any and all malicious acts.
We apologize for the delay and for any inconvenience caused, but we are monitoring all aspects closely to make sure you receive the oxygen concentrators soonest.
We DO NOT require balance payment at this point in time, further communication will follow next week.
Feel free to contact us should you have any questions:
The Salvagente Team
[email protected]
+27 (0)72 422 1967
Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00
Further updates regarding the oxygen concentrators
As a follow up to our previous communication regarding the oxygen concentrators which can be found here, we want to keep you updated on the current progress.
Although Transnet’s systems have been semi-operational after the IT hack, some manual processes are still being used, which is causing slight delays for new arriving vessels. This means under normal circumstances a vessel arriving would be delayed for 1-3 days.

This biggest issue is however the backlog. Congestion at the Durban port is extremely high, with ships anchored in line waiting to offload. Many of the vessels have been “at port” for over a week now.

Good news is that Transnet did issue a berthing timeline for our vessel. Although this can change at any moment as backlogs gets cleared up, for now we are working with this, and it indicates the Dolphin II will get offloaded on the 14th at Pier 2.
We want to assure you that we are monitoring the situation daily, and we are eager to get the oxygen concentrators in your hands. Having said that, we encourage you to reach out to us in emergencies or with any queries.
These delays prove the necessity to be prepared during these times, as readily available oxygen is almost impossible to get. Your secured order was the first step to protect yourself and your family.
Another update will follow next week.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work tirelessly to overcome these obstacles.
Kindest Regards
The Salvagente Team
[email protected]
+27 (0)72 422 1967
Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00
[ UPDATE ] 13 August 2021
On Schedule – Further updates regarding concentrators
Some well deserved good news, the schedule provided last week is still intact and everything is proceeding on time.

We are monitoring it as well as any external factors. We should start sending out all backorders next Tuesday/Wednesday and hope that all backorders will be delivered in your hands before the end of next week*.
- Please inform us if your delivery address has changed since you placed the order. All backorders are being pre-booked with the couriers to enable faster delivery times.
- *Orders will only be released once balance payments have been received. You are welcome to action the balance payments now, alternatively please see point 3 below.
- Another update will follow next week once stock is in the warehouse with videos and pictures. You are welcome to wait for that update before making the final payment, please just be aware there might be delays for funds to clear and reflect.
- Please keep an eye out for further information from us regarding important information on your oxygen concentrator, usage instructions, storage tips etc.
Due to the backlog at Durban, many vessels have remained at their respective last port of call to wait for the backlogs to clear.
We have been informed that the vessel bringing in the container with the KSOC models will be skipping other ports and coming directly to Durban port.
The arrival date is the 28th of August at this point in time. We will provide further updates next week as well.

We thank you again for your patience during this tumultuous time.
Kindest Regards
The Salvagente Team
[email protected]
+27 (0)72 422 1967
Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00
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