This is a public industry warning, and anyone looking to purchase an ozone sauna should read this first.
We were notified that Zagrys is again operating an oxygen/ozone business under the alias Zacharias Pieterse. The alleged registered business is ProMove Oxygen Supplies, who as in previous occasions are using copyrighted images from Salvagente alongside AI generated images to mislead clients. Mr Pieterse has been quiet after our last cease and desist letter in 2022, but has now resurfaced under more false pretences.
We reiterate that Salvagente is in no way affiliated with either Mr Pieterse or ProMove Oxygen Supplies. Utmost caution is advised when dealing with him as he is known to mislead customers and either deliver partial or incorrect equipment or nothing at all.
- Salvagente Management
It was brought under our attention that Zagrys Pieterse’s wife, Samantha Pieterse, operating a website from fusionoxy.co.za has copied varies elements from the Salvagente website. The copyright infringement is extensive, and legal action has been brought against them.
We urge any members of the public to reach out to us where Zagrys or Samantha Pieterse has been using the name ‘Salvagente’ in conversations in such manner that it might be construed that there are any ties between the entities; whether from an employee/employer relationship, agents, service personnel, suppliers etc
It is evident that Zagrys/Zacharias and Samantha are in cahoots and follows the old modus operandi of deceiving the public. We again formally distance ourselves that there are no links or agreements between Salvagente and Fusionoxy, or the individuals operating Fusionoxy. The products they are selling are not the ones that Salvagente sells.
We again urge the public to be cautionary when dealing with these 2 as they are misleading potential buyers and cannot be trusted.
- Salvagente Management
Please read whole article as well as comments section to get an overview of this man which currently goes under the name Andries Pieterse of Oxygen International in the Western Cape area.
He is still defrauding people out of their money, and nothing this man says can be trusted.
Once he is caught out, he becomes aggressive and will threaten you with legal action and in some cases physical abuse.
Do not succumb to his empty threats, as it’s his normal modus operandi. You are not in the wrong and he cannot act on his threats of legal action such as defamation or warrants of arrest if you are telling the truth and he doesn’t deliver on his contracts.
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PAY HIM MONEY, as he doesn’t deliver and when you wish to cancel due to non performance from his side he charges a 35% cancellation fee. This is how he keeps going by stealing your hard earned cash.
Our recommendation is to not deal with Mr Pieterse on any level
- Salvagente Management
Although we were able to assist many clients in receiving the correct saunas, training and support which was sold by Zagrys Andries Pieterse, there are still clients affected and which has not received their goods to date. It has also come under Salvagente’s attention that Zagrys/Zacharias is acquiring saunas from a third party, in which case Salvagente cannot take responsibility and accountability of quality nor service. If you wish to confirm if your sauna is indeed supplied by Salvagente, please contact us and we will be able to verify.
At this stage Salvagente cannot guarantee delivery when money is paid over to Zagrys Andries Pieterse, as we cannot rely on Mr Pieterse to buy stock from Salvagente.
Our recommendation is to proceed with caution when dealing with Mr Pieterse.
– Salvagente Management
Zagrys/Zacharias Pieterse approached Salvagente to assist him to remedy the faults and lapse of service delivery caused in the past. Salvagente will try and assist where possible, starting by contacting all affected clients we are aware of. If you were affected please contact us to liaise an amicable solution for all involved, that we can build and expand the ozone industry.
Further updates about progress will be posted on this page.
– Salvagente Management
[August 2013]
This man (Zagrys/Zacharias Pieterse from Natural Oxygen Supplies) claimed to be an ozone sauna retailer of imported ozone cabinets, but took payment from unsuspected victims never to deliver any goods. He has been caught but the extent of his fraudulent activities are yet to be revealed.
If you are searching for ozone pods, please research the company to determine if they are legitimate in their dealings. One way is to ask for previous clients (you can see Salvagente’s professional clients here with their contact info), another is to ask if their saunas are imported or locally manufactured. If you are residing in South Africa there’s no need to buy overpriced imported ozone capsules, as we supply locally manufactured ozone saunas.
Please be vigilant out there.
It came to our attention from various clients that Zagrys Pieterse is also operating under numerous other aliases, presenting himself as Zacharias Pieterse, Andries Pieterse, Andries van Zyl and others.
The original article as it appeared in the Observer:
Zagrys steeds agter tralies na borg Vrydag deur eMalahleni hof geweier is
06 August 2013 | Gerhard Rheeder
Die slinkse Osoon-masjien smous, Zagrys Pieterse, is Donderdag tydens ‘n demonstrasie in eMalahleni gearresteer, nadat die polisie ‘n lokval vir hom gestel het.
Die arrestasie het gevolg enkele ure nadat die Middelburg Observer Pieterse se bedrogspul eksklusief onthul het.
Talle klagtes van bedrog is in eMalahleni en Middelburg teen hom gemaak.
Hy het tydens sy arrestasie aan die polisie genoem dat hy minstens 45 van die wonderkuur Osoon-masjiene in eMalahleni alleen verkoop het.
Hy het Vrydag vlugtig in eMalahleni in die hof verskyn waar hy borg geweier is.
Tydens ‘n Observer onderhoud met Pieterse, net ure voor sy arrestasie, het hy erken dat hy “nie honderde nie, maar duisende,” kliënte landwyd bereik het met sy advertensies op hoofsaaklik plaaslike radiostasies soos Radio Kragbron.
Die polisie het Vrydag ‘n lokval vir Pieterse gestel en ‘n demonstrasie gereël vir een van die masjiene om hom in die kolestad te kry.
Pieterse, wat in Pretoria woon en van daar sy bedrogspul bedryf het, het homself onder meer bemark as lid van die SA Osoon Assosiasie hoewel die assosiasie hom op verskeie openbare platforms van Pieterse gedistansieer het.
Hy het onder sy besigheidsnaam, Natural Oxygen Supplies, gespog met die masjiene, wat hy glo onder meer van Duitsland af invoer.
Beleggers, van wie sommiges meer as R100 000 aan Pieterse oorbetaal het vir franchise-regte en masjiene, sê hy het hulle altyd gedruk vir onmiddellike kontantbetalings maar nooit die produkte gelewer nie.
Hy het na bewering nie eens geskroom om personeel van Radio Kragbron waar sy advertensies uitgesaai is, in te loop nie.
Na die Observer hom gepols het oor die bewerings het hy die foon neergegooi en ‘n halfuur later teruggebel met die woorde “ek wil net jammer sê vir my optrede tydens die oproep,” en toe maar weer sy humeur verloor en die koerant gedreig met regstappe “omdat sy pa R37 miljoen in die bank het en hyself ‘n multi-miljoenêr is”.
Na die Observer se onthulling het klaers die koerantberig op die internet gesirkuleer en het die Osoon Assosiasie ‘n beroep op klaers, waarvan daar landswyd honderde kan wees, gedoen om nie net hul sake by die polisie te gaan aanmeld nie, maar ook by die assosiasie sodat ‘n profiel van hom saamgestel kan word om te verhoed dat hy met sy vrylating voort kan gaan met sy bedrog.
Join the conversationKobus en Juliana Oosthuizen - November 30, 2013
Ons het ook in Zagrys se strik getrap op 14 Nov 2013. Ons is verpletter.
Ons spreek hom vry en onsself ook.
Mag my God met hom afreken. Ons sal weer finansieel herstel
admin - December 2, 2013
Ons is baie jammer om te hoor dat julle ook deur hom ingedoen is, ons probeer alles in ons mag om hom te stop en mense te waarsku.
Laat wees ons asb as daar iets is waarmee ons kan help.
Kobus en Juliana Oosthuizen - December 9, 2013
Zagrys het per sms ons inkennis gestel dat hy ons goedere gepos het. Hy het ook ‘tracking’ nommers gegee. Ons het egter ons geloofwaardigheid in nhom verloor. Ons sal wag en kyk of ons bestelling afgelewer word.
Wie kan ons daarmee help om die kapsule korrek op te slaan asb? [Sou dit ons bereik]
Kobus en Juliana Oosthuizen
Sel: 084 5926 300 / 1
admin - December 10, 2013
Hi Kobus/Juliana,
Dit hang af watter kapsule hy vir julle stuur. Ander kliente het gedink hulle koop ‘n fiberglass ozone sauna, wat toe uitgedraai het dis net ‘n tent met stoom unit. Ek weet nie of julle dit vir privaat of professionele gebruik benodig nie, maar die tent mag nie gebruik word vir professionele gebruik nie.
In watter area bly julle, dan kan ons kyk hoe ons julle kan help met die op slaan.
Kobus en Juliana Oosthuizen - December 10, 2013
Zagrys het ‘n “tent-kapsule” aan ons verkoop. Agterna het iemand gesê die materiaal van die tent ‘perish’ maklik van al die suurstof. Dis vir huishoudelike gebruik. Ons woon in Universitas in Bloemfontein. Ek sal laat weet sodra ons dit ontvang het.
admin - December 11, 2013
Ja ongelukkig hou die materiaal van die tent nie baie lank. Let ook net op indien julle die tent kry dat julle nie brand met die stoom nie, die rede hoekom ek dit noem is want die tent se “steamer” het nie ‘n temperatuur probe in nie, so dit hou net aan warm maak en reguleer glad nie die temperatuur binne-in die tent nie.
marietjie - December 27, 2013
Hi, ek is ook ingeloop deur zagrys petersen. Ek het wel my suana ontvang, maar ek wag al amper 2 maande vir die instruksie manual, die “besigheidsplan” en die 10 jaar waarborg wat ek glo saam met die suana sou kry. Ek lees op die comments dat die “tent” suana nie vir professionele doeleindes mag gebruik word nie. Zagrys het vir my vertel watter goeie besigheids geleentheid die is en dis die enigste rede waarom ek n suana gekoop het( tot my groot spyt)Ek het my geld terug gevra maar hy gaan glo 35% op elke R15 000 hou vir kanselasie fooie. Ek het nooit enigiets geteken waarop staan dat hy n kanselasie fooi mag hou nie. Enige raad van stappe wat ek kan volg om geld terug te kry?
admin - January 6, 2014
Hello Marietjie, ons is jammer om dit te hoor. Ons het vir jou direk ‘n email gestuur met meer inligting op.
marietjie - January 6, 2014
Baie dankie vir julle hulp! Ek het al die nodige stappe geneem so hopelik is dit nie meer lank voor zagrys finaal vasgetrek word nie.
Kobus en Juliana Oosthuizen - January 6, 2014
Mooi Marietjie mooi! Ons het ook die skroef nou stywer gedraai.!!! Maggies, kon ons niks agterkom van sy slimpraatjies en streke nie. Ons is so vies vir onsself. Baie sterkte vir jou.
marietjie - January 15, 2014
Hi! Kobus en juliana, ek het in kontak gekom met n hele groep mense wat almal sake het teen zagrys. Sy verhoor is ampEr en ons kort almal se saak nommers. Kontak my asb op 076 340 2283 vir meer inligting. As julle weet van nog mense vra hul asb om my te kontak
Wilani - January 17, 2014
Ek voel jammer vir jul almal, ek is op 13.01.2014 met dieselfde slap riem gevang. Ek het egter die saak aan Mnr Mike Bolhuis oorhandig en hy is tans besig daarmee. Ek stel voor dat almal wat ingedoen is met hom kontak maak sodat ons die saak so sterk moontlik kan maak, dat Andries/Zagrys of wat hy homself ook al noem vir goed verwyder word uit die samelewing.
Kobus en Juliana Oosthuizen - January 17, 2014
Wil jy my sê hy het nie geskrik in 2013 nie. Hy is regtig ‘n gevoellose DIREKTEUR van N.O.S.
Wilani - January 21, 2014
Sulke mense skrik nie!!! Asseblief stuur al jul inligting vir Mnr Bolhuis. Ek hoor nou net hy is vanmiddag 4h45 weer op Radio Pretoria. Ek het hulle laat weet, maar nogsteeds word hy toegelaat om te adverteer.
Miempie - February 6, 2014
Zagrys….Andries…steeds op vrye voet. Was gister in ons huis en ons ook bedrieg. Wees versigtig. By voorbaat dankie Mike Bolhuis. Vertrou hy spoedig vasgetrek
Miempie - February 6, 2014
Wilani, kan ons asb kontak maak. Ons op grond van daardie Radio uitsending, die produk gekoop! Ek reeds intussen met Marietjie (bo) gepraat… al my info na Mike gestuur. Sterkte
Hilda - June 5, 2014
I paid for the O3 sauna machine/capsule at the Rand Show on 26/04/2014. Zagrys Pieterse says he does not keep stock at the show, but he will deliver soon after the show. Up till now I have not received it (05/06/2014) after numerous phone calls and empty promises he made.
Kobus en Juliana Oosthuizen - June 11, 2014
Ons kan nie glo dat hy steeds besig is met sy onderduimse planne nie. Hoekom kan HY DAN NIE VASGETREK WORD NIE?
admin - June 30, 2014
Due to high volumes of queries into some of the above cases, we would like to report to the forum and public this message from one of the affected parties:
“This is to inform you that the Sauna machine was delivered today 13/06/2014 just before 2pm.
Thank you very much for your assistance. It’s highly appreciated.
Mrs Hilda Nemukula”
Stephen Barends - August 6, 2014
I also bought a sauna machine from sagrys at the Rand show and paid a deposit. I paid the balance at a later date and was promised delivery of the sauna.I am still waiting.I spoke to sagrys in july and he told me he would get back to me. I am still waiting!! Anyone have advice ?
Charmaine Davids - August 7, 2014
I can’t believe that Zagrys was allowed to sell the units at the Rand Easter Show after being arrested in 2013. He called after the show and said that we must pay in full and the unit will be delivered that week. I must have spent hundreds of rands in phone calls and smss’ to try and get the unit. Everytime I call, he supposedly is delivering that day or the next. He also had a guy by the name of Brandon that was supposedly going to deliver. To date I have not received the product. I would like to get my money back as I’m not interested in having a fraudster / liar’s product in my home.
marietjie - August 7, 2014
Hi charmaine , Stefan. Jammer om te hoor dat julle ook “victems” van zagrys\andries of wat ook al hy homself deesdae noem is. Skakel my asb op 076 340 2283 of stuur vir my n mail na [email protected] Ons is reeds n paar mense wat besig is met sake teen die man, ek lig julle graag in.
Madeli - April 10, 2015
Hi ek lees nou hierdie comments en is in skok…. Zagrys Pieterse is in die Strand area en sy meisie, Samantha doen die bemarking van hierdie Ozone aparaat wat glo wonders verrig! Geen manier dat ek nou meer belangstel nie!!
Samantha - May 11, 2015
With regards to Madeli’s comment, I would like to respond. Madeli was a work colleague of mine and she has a personal vendetta against me and not with Zagrys. I do not have anything to do with his business and I do not market any of his products. What I did do was offer to give her a sauna to help her with her ‘[disease]’ – (edited by administrators) she had. Madeli has had no dealings what so ever with Zagrys besides the occasional greeting at my office. I am not sure what Madeli’s motive is by giving you and the public false information, but the ongoing investigations and cases, including this site will certainly get the people to swallow their words.
admin - May 11, 2015
Dear Samantha, thank you for exercising your right to respond. This is a public forum and we do not investigate each individual matter and cannot comment on who has or has not have vendettas against you or Zagrys. What we can comment on is that Madeli was not the first nor last person to highlight that you are working with Zagrys. Furthermore we have requested on more than one occasion that Zagrys provide us with evidence about these misleading “ongoing investigations and cases”, which he failed to do. We have also provided him his right to respond publicly about the allegations, which he also failed to pursue. Should you have evidence proving contradictory, you are more than welcome to contact Salvagente through our normal channels or provide it here.
Thank you.
Rob - June 17, 2015
Ek het die advertensie op die radio gehoor in die Kaap en het vanaggend n demo by my huis gekry met die tent en stoom en suurstofgoed. Gelukkig het ek hier kom google search en op die goed afgekom . AMper was ek ook met n slap riem gevang. Hy was vanoggend in die Paarl , nie hyself nie maar n rep .
Shelley Davis - March 3, 2016
OMG.. I’m shocked.. Its March 2016 and Adries Pieterse is doing his weekly marketing to the Western Cape local radio stations. My dad is a diabetic and I became intersted to purchase. I contacted him about the name of the machine as I wanted to read up about it first, he then came back saying he will do a demo and I said I first want to read up about it first.
I googled and couldn’t find anything under Andries Pieterse, the name he uses in the Cape Town area, Zagrys sounded foreign but luckily I read further and lo and behold its him. Thank God for all your comments, you just saved me the “special” price of the machine.
He is currently setting up biz in PE. His contact nr as given on the radio station is
0799463330, Office nr in Strand/Gordon’s Bay in CT is 0218560902
Admin, is there such a wonder machine to “cure” all these ailments with oxygen therapy, I sooo want to believe this especially for cancer patients! If so please let me know!
admin - March 4, 2016
Dear Shelley,
Thank you for your message and for reaching out.
We will be in personal contact shortly, please check your emails.
Thank you.
marietjie - July 21, 2016
Andries “zagrys” is presies soos jy hom beskryf het. N jakkals verander van haar maar nie van snaar.
admin - July 22, 2016
Hello Nicoline,
Ons sal verkies om altwee jou comments hier te los, sodat ons lesers ‘n meer holistiese beeld kan vorm. As Andries / Zagrys aflewering maak soos hy belowe dan voel ons mense moet dit weet. Ons is wel huiwerig oor jou laaste comment omdat jy al voorheen gese het die produkte het jy ontvang maar wag vir registrasies ens. Indien jy nogsteeds wil he ons moet jou comments verwyder, laat weet ons net.
Verder wil ons net vir die publiek laat weet wat Salvagente se posisie is rakende die portable / tent saunas:
Salvagente onder geen omstandighede keur die gebruik van “tent / portable saunas” in ‘n professionele opset goed nie. Dit spreek uit eerste handse ervaring met die produkte. Vir verdere inligting kyk asb na https://salvagente.co.za/ozone-sauna-buyers-guide/
colleen - June 1, 2019
this man Andries Pieterse is now operating in Cape Town and lives in Gordons Bay he tried to sell us 2 ozone machines the capsule and thank heavens my husband worked in SAP for many years and we started with investigations and came across this page so THANKFUL or else we would ve also lost out on R40 000.00 rand and also promised us a business plan and before he sent us any info or pictures regarding the Ozone capsules he sent us a invoice and only after pmnt would he order the machines … and he also advertising on BOk Radio in western cape he advertises on thursdays and fridays ,,,, hope this can help with catching up with him …..
charmaine - October 11, 2019
We had a bad esperience from Andries Z Pieterse Oxygen International. We paid him a deposit of R14000 on the 14 Aug and the oustanding amount of R86000 on the 19 Aug for a Delux sauna oxygen machine and a smaller machine in total R100000. We were supose to open a clinic on the 5th of October and he never deliver the machines. When you phone him he never anwer his phone and when you get hold of him he always got a lot of excuses for not deliver the goods. He promise and under deliver. He doesnt deliver on his promises for 3 times and we cancelled. Now we struggle to get our money back from him. He insist a cancellation fee of 35% and he didnt keep his promises to deliver 3 times. This is unacceptable.
Wanda - October 14, 2019
I was employed by Andries. He & Mareike interviewed me. How ever, i don’t have any sales experience, & my CV stated admin experience for 29 years. It was strange, however, got the job. During the interview, he promises lots of benefits. Paid for the week of training, will pay petrol allowances. He never did anything he promises! I never got proper training on the mobile sauna. Sold 1 unit, which price he offered to my client, without discussing it beforehand. Never got a commission for that. Every time you ask, he is full of stories & excuses. I bought a mobile
sauna from him for the amount of R10,000. I paid R8,000 once-off on the 11 May, & the rest i can pay off as agreed. I am still sitting with his demo & guide book. Until now, no delivery & don’t answer my calls.
Jonathan - October 15, 2019
Ek is van Port Elizabeth en het ook ‘n ozone by Andries van Oxygen International op 1 Sept. 2019 gekoop waarby ek toe ook dadelik R13 000.00 moes betaal het met my krediet kaart aangesien hy ‘n kaart masjien by hom gehad het.
Hy het op 3 geleenthede wat hy met ons gereël het nie sy afsprake met ons nagekom nie en het ons toe besluit om te kanseleer. Sy kantoor het ‘n kanselasie vorm aan my gestuur waarop ek gekanseleer het. Daarna sou die geld op hoeveel geleenthede aan ons terug betaal word maar tot op hierdie dag toe het ons nog geen geld terug ontvang nie. Hy het alewig ‘n klomp verskonings, ek het ook hoeveel bewyse teen hom vir wat hy erken het vir die terug betaling van die R13 000.00 waarvan hy ook nou aanspraak maak op die 35% by kanselasie.
Indien daar enige iemand is wat my wil ondersteun om die saak sterker te maak en die leunaar aan die pen te laat ry en te stop dat hy verder mense bedrieg soos wat hy in die verlede gedoen het sal ek dit waardeur. Ek is tans besig om ‘n bedrog saak teen hom oop te maak en is ook besig met hom by Economic Affairs. Ek is in besit van baie meer inligting as wat hy dink ek het om hom te stop.
Julle kan my gerus kontak by [email protected] of by 0744 836 577.
Asb mense moenie dat hy julle dreig en om vêr gooi met sy sogenaamde regspan nie dit is ons geld hierdie hy moet gestop word.
Admin - October 15, 2019
Dear All,
It grieves us to hear about this as he’s still doing the same things, but we are working closely with affected clients to stop him once and for all.
Please reach out to us if you are affected, as there is a case being built against him.
Do not succumb to his empty threats, as it’s his normal modus operandi. You are not in the wrong and he cannot act on his threats of legal action such as defamation or warrants of arrest if you are telling the truth and he doesn’t deliver on his contracts.
Admin - October 21, 2019
Good day
First of all Salvagante is not a registered law firm so for that matter I dont have to say anything about them , we get criticised for using certain machines but we have the same supplier , Salvagante also provided me with water purifiers to give to my clients as a ozone generator that produces 500mg/h of ozone using ambient air , we calabrated that generators and it only has a output of 330mg/h , they use my past and they use this complaint site to generate business for themselves after I did the marketing , we are also busy with a case against them .
Charmaine you wanted to open a clinic , to do that we have alot of things we do and prepare for you before you can do that , prining and laminating of all posters and charts , all the neccesary documents , files and protocols , all the consignment stock that has to bottled and labelled , we have been in contact with your attorneys and that is being resolved as they did accept our terms and conditions .
Mr Jonothan , your system was ordered and arrived well in time of the contract , ( 7 to 14 working days ) please refer back to the order form you signed , within that period you cancelled and we are busy with your documents , I have also spoken to ms Rose as economic affairs and we will deal with that .
Wanda jy het jou kontrak verbreuk en is vele male deur ons kantore geskakel om die saak op te los , jy kies self om die pad te loop en met al die komunikasie van ons kant af is dit duidellik jy wil nie die saak oplos nie , skakel my gerus en ek sal jou help .
Vir al die ander mense wat die blad gebruik om inligting te kry tov Ozone ens , wees asb versigtig soos ek geskryf het bo , vanaf 2013 tot nou gebruik Salvagante my verlede om kliente te win vir hulle besigheid , soos ek gese het ons is besig met n groot saak teen hulle en die blad sal nie lank meer hier wees nie , ons is n gerigistreerde maatskappy en doen alles volgens boek , moet nie laat my verlede jou weerhou om aan jou gesondtheid te dink nie , almal maak foute en net so speel ons nogsteeds n groot rol in Suid Afrika tov Ozone behandeling en alle masjienerie asook alle kosmetiese produkte .
Kom ons volg die nodigge ruglyne as dit kom by kanselasies ens , gaan kyk maar wat die wet se oor ander se name en kommentaar op die internet te gebruik .
Admin - October 21, 2019
In response to Mr Pieterse’s comment:
Thank you for your comments, as we have invited you to do so numerous times.
These responses are to highlight a few fallacies in your statement, although this is not exhaustive.
1. Salvagente never claimed to be a law firm, and the comments above our out of people’s own volition.
2. The last time we supplied you was in 2014 where you requested water purifiers from us. The claims about the incorrect output is the first we hear about this, without any evidence supporting your claim. One would think you will contact us if you found something inadequate, as people are doing with you.
3. Salvagente as well as our supply chain does not supply you anymore, as everyone has found you are untrustworthy. Blatant lies is not helping your case of redemption.
4. We find your threats humorous, and we would like to receive any formal complaint or document about this so called case against us, which you have been threatening us with for 5 years now. Please stop using scare tactics.
5. We do encourage you to read the law on fraud and swindling, before worrying about actual facts being presented online against you. We do not need to use this site as a marketing tool against you, as people won’t even find this page if you honour your agreements with clients.
We will also follow up if any of the things you said are true and accurate and will provide an update here.
As per your statement that you are doing everything according to the book, you have failed in numerous instances to perform according to your own terms and conditions. Case in point to the above, you have failed to refund Charmaine on or before close of business on Thursday the 17th of October, after they accepted your terms and you were issued with a new contract from their attorneys.
Further to that, you have also failed to refund Jonathan after a new agreement you tried to negotiate.
Please do stop pretending that you are resolving client issues, as many of the clients you conned in 2013 and 2014 are still waiting for deliveries and refunds.
We suggest, as we did in 2013, that you first sort out your mistakes before desperately attempting to woe clients by your lies.
All right reserved. Right to respond of each person reserved.
We will not entertain a debate, should you have facts we are happy to provide it here, alternatively we will keep offline communications open.
– Salvagente Management
Divan - October 23, 2019
Please people give Andries a gap,u are all up in arms.We have bought a ozone capsule from him end August 2019,he delivered,installed beginning October 2019 and we are happy.In fact he went out of his way and have us more than what we were suppose to get.All the bad response is 6,7 yrs ago.I was fully aware of his past,but still paid him in full and didn’t judge him on his past,and like i said,he delivered and more.I have ordered more facial products from his other business and it’s being couried to us.He is even giving it to me on consignment,as he trusts me,like I trust him.Please stop,and give the man a chance to deliver,allthough it might take bit longer.
Admin - October 24, 2019
Thank you for your comment.
Although we cannot comprehend why anyone would be happy to wait more than a month for delivery, that is your choice. You will note that all the bad responses are not 6-7 years ago, but some the last weeks. We don’t know what you acquired from Mr Pieterse, but many affected people required the products for life threatening illnesses and business launches.
Non-, defective- or late delivery had consequences for many of these people, and we urge you not to be disillusioned to the fact that his false promises and misleading timelines has cost them.
If you trust him as explicitly as you state, are you willing to stand in as guarantor for his actions and sign surety? It’s easy to state that one should just trust him to deliver when you were one of the lucky few who received your goods, but there are tens of thousands of long term outstanding monies owed by him, and we are happy to provide their details to you for compensation?
We await your reply.
– Salvagente
Isaac Ludick - April 20, 2020
Hi ,
I might be in the boat as most of your guys ,not sure if I am going to get the 2 machines/capsules as promise, I had hoped to received it before the National Lockdown still nothing , I keep on calling Mr. Andries & he keep on confirming that he is waiting on permission from the Minister of Health to proceed all the equipment has arrived from overseas , at this point in time I can not confirm or deny anything but I am praying the he deliver, if not then I don’t know what to do
Admin - April 20, 2020
Hi Isaac,
Thank you for your comment.
We don’t know what type of capsules you purchased, whether it’s the portable (tent) or the fibreglass ones.
Please note that the Minister of Health has nothing to do with any of the equipment. The transport and clearance companies require the CIPC certificate that one is an Essential Service provider. If one does not have that, one cannot clear any goods. Salvagente has been importing and exporting during the lockdown, and most of our deliveries are being done regardless.
One will have to see if he does deliver after the lockdown, or if he isn’t just using this as another of his excuses.
All the best.
The Salvagente Team
Concerned - June 10, 2020
If anybody needs “new” contact numbers of Zagrys Pieterse or his current address please leave a message
Isaac Ludick - July 5, 2020
Hi Salvagente Team
Thanks for your response may I kindly request that you please remove my comments from your site if possible, I reached out to you hoping to find out some sort of closure, My lawyers are dealing with this case I must comment you on all the information of capsules and the treatment that is available on your site it is very informative I am hoping to purchase directly from you when every the sky is clear and my finance is sorted
Kind regards
Concerned - July 6, 2020
Admin - July 21, 2020
Good day,
It was brought under our attention that Zagrys Pieterse’s wife, Samantha Pieterse, operating a website from fusionoxy.co.za has copied varies elements from the Salvagente website. The copyright infringement is extensive, and legal action has been brought against them.
We urge any members of the public to reach out to us where Zagrys or Samantha Pieterse has been using the name ‘Salvagente’ in conversations in such manner that it might be construed that there are any ties between the entities; whether from an employee/employer relationship, agents, service personnel, suppliers etc
It is evident that Zagrys and Samantha are in cahoots and follows the old modus operandi of deceiving the public. We hereby formally distance ourselves that there are no links or agreements between Salvagente and Fusionoxy, or the individuals operating Fusionoxy. The products they are selling are not the ones that Salvagente sells.
We again urge the public to be cautionary when dealing with these 2 as they are misleading potential buyers and cannot be trusted.
The Salvagente Team
Zagrys Andries Pieterse - July 23, 2020
we arr currently busy with huge legal action against CHRIS PORTER and SALVAGENTE .
HOWEVER OUR MACHINES ARE EXACTLY THE SAME EVEN TO THE LAST BOLT , OUR SUPPLIERS ARE ALSO THE SAME COMPANY (weird when you think of it , we have bought many machines over the last 10 years from exactly the same person , and then Chris says our machines are not the same ha ha ha ha ha ) We have many testimonials from clients , Doctors and even Professors doing business with us and finding our systems very very effective in all aspects of ozone treatment .
Chris Porter is so clued up by all the words and phrases he googles that if he had ever I would like to know how many ozone treatments have you done ?
I have done more ozone treatments than any other person in this country , I am on the road permanently giving treatments and receiving feedback for the last DECADE , it is weird that on this site there is people who complain even before we can help them , and that is only Caused by the jealousy of Salvagente and Chris Porter .
They have for the last Decade tried to close my business because my experience is a massive threat not only to them but also for OASA , we have thousands of happy clients , and as you can see maybe 10 people here that has a issue (again people Salvagente has been doing this for 10 years , so when I see you as a client and you buy from us , even before I had the opportunity to deliver the system you saw all this illegal comments here and then you Cancel and I have to sit with stock and I have to pay cancellation fees , and last but not least you come and give your 5 cents as well ) . We have a clinic in Bloem that books over 120 Treatments a month , and then in every Province we have clinics set up and running all the time . (please note that some of these are tented units that does 8 treatments a day for years and I will also back that up )Our Range of products are exactly the same when it comes to fibre glass units , wound units , generators ext in between all this clients are people directly referred from their Medical Practitioner and they are getting huge results because of our system and protocols salvagente and Chris Porter must give evidence of how many people they have treated and how many people are still alive today because of ozone therapy because we can do that ,why do you think you only read bad comments , Salvagente and Chris Porter have been riding the GRAVY TRAIN for a long time stealing and forcing Cancellations of hundreds of thousands of rands and many many clients that has been manipulated and intimidated by their Gangster Ozone ways . With the one hand they are making gang signs and with the other hand they are making animal balloons for children on a Sunday . PLEASE BE AWARE WHEN YOU COMPETITION STARTS FINDING WAYS TO BAD MOUTH YOU SO THEY CAN ALSO MAKE CENT , we have never bad mouthed Salvagente or Chris Porter but they cant wait for the next client they can steal and advice to buy from them , and that is the only reason this shit is even here . We have written statements from clients who just mentioned our company and then immediately gets feed with all of this bull , you see that is the only the way they can make money because they are not even close as good as our sales team , also not even remotely close when it comes to time spend and treatments done and I will back that up to. We have hundreds of testimonials of clients that writs to Salvagente that never reaches you guys because they only want to name and shame so they can generate leads and business from me , ITS A PLEASURE . (We have Millions in lost revenue because of this page and we can prove that too )
You see people all these guys do is talk and talk and talk and talk and talk , how many clients do you have that was send home to die and are still alive today ? We have many and I will back that up to !!!! So I want to thank first of all , all our happy clients that knows all about this old story that makes Chris Porter and Salvagente shiver in their panties , and then for everybody else on this PAGE WHO HAS A PROBLEM , PLEASE CONTACT ME SO WE CAN SORT IT OUT , I ALSO WANT TO MAKE EVERYBODY AWARE THAT WE WHERE ALSO STOLEN FROM , Hundreds Of Thousands of STOCK SO THE POLICE AND INVESTIGATOR WILL DO THEIR WORK AND THEN WE WILL RELEASE DETAILS . ALSO BE AWARE OF WHAT YOU SAY ON THIS ILLEGAL PAGE BECAUSE WE WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU .
I want to also take this opportunity to tell the public that we are more than willing to back up everything that was said in this message and if you want the correct info on me and my company please talk to me directly .
Admin - July 24, 2020
Zagrys, your incoherent lies are no longer believed.
We can dissect all your comments and prove it’s invalidity, but for brevity sake and to get to the most important parts lets highlight a few:
1. You have been threatening Salvagente and our staff with ‘huge legal action’ now for the past decade, yet we have not seen a single shred of it. In contrast to that, you and your wife Samantha have been served with papers on Monday from our lawyers. We are also in high anticipation awaiting a response from ‘your legal team’ since Tuesday. As you and your wife were made aware, we prefer that your lawyers engage with ours.
2. Your character is openly displayed to everyone reading the page, even by your own comments; un-tasteful behaviour, foul language, and ill-mannered accusations. We are happy to leave your comments for all parties to see.
3. Our products are not the same, and it’s conflicting for you to say that we are threatened by your knowledge and expertise, yet you so desperately copied our website and products, infringing on our IP and hence the copyright lawsuit against yourself, your wife Samantha and organization(s) affiliated with you.
4. There’s nothing illegal about this page, and no one needs to be afraid of your empty threats.
5. We gladly accept your invitation to rectify the lapses and either deliver the goods promised or refund the clients that hasn’t received their goods in full, without your cancellation fee as it’s against the CPA, since you are in the wrong. We urge all the complainants here to reach out to Zagrys immediately for compensation which he offered in the public domain. Please feel free to comment here about the outcome of it.
All rights reserved.
– Salvagente Management