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[Infographic] The secret to healthy ageing in women

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It’s no secret, getting old sucks, especially for women. It’s like one day you just woke up old. You have no idea when it happened, it just did.

During our teens and twenties, our bodies go through a lot of changes and we seem to keep weight off quite easily, we spend hours in the sun and exercise is the last thing we think about or even need. Unfortunately, when we hit 30 we realise the flawed ideals of our youth and are left dealing with the consequences. The weekly pizza & wine nights have gone to our hips, the lack of sunscreen on our summer holidays have left their marks on our face and the lack of exercise has made simple things like climbing one flight of stairs almost a near death experience. This only gets worse as we get older.

It is true, that is never to late to start a better lifestyle, but know that it will be more difficult the older you get. It is better to start sooner rather than later. Below are 10 hints on how to prevent bad ageing, don’t forget to have a look at our infographic at the bottom of this page for more.

  1. Eat healthy. This does not mean that you have to cut out all the pleasures in life, but you have to enjoy everything in moderation. Eat loads of fresh fruit and veg. Cut out unnecessary snacks like takeaways, soda, chips, sugary cereal and sweets. Rather opt for healthier foods like juice, dark chocolate, home-made burgers/ pizza and high fibre cereal.
  2. Drink lots of water. Water not only hydrates your body, it also hydrates your skin. Have you ever noticed those small white dots under your eyes? Well, those dots indicate that you are dehydrated.
  3. Use prescription medicine or over the counter medicine correctly. We live in an age where there is basically a pill for everything. In cases like high blood pressure, heart conditions and diabetes these medicines are life saving, but the majority of us use medicine incorrectly. Rather than finding the cause we just pop a pill. Before drinking another pill, first ask yourself; “Do I need it now?” “What caused this?” “Can I wait this out?”. The overuse of medicine can lead to multiple health issues later on in life. Pain medication damage the lining of your stomach which can cause digestion problems and ulcers. Sinus / hay fever and flu medicine can make you constipated, influence concentration and your body can build up a resistance to the drug, especially when used for long periods of time.
  4. To add on to #3, manage health conditions correctly. If you are diagnosed with a health condition and your doctor has prescribed medicine, a health routine or diet, it is very important for you to follow it. Should medicine make you feel worse, consult with your Doctor for another alternative. Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate.
  5. Losing weight, when you are older, is one of the most difficult things to do. It is better to work on your weight when you are still in your twenties. This way you will only have to control weight rather than lose it. For those with an extra few pounds, especially when it is located around your waist, it is imperative that you lose it. The best way to lose weight is by doing exercise and improving your diet. You can also opt for Ozone Therapy as you loose up to 500 calories per 30 minute session.
  6. Reduce protein, fats and white flour products like bread, pasta, pastries and other baked goods.
  7. Get screened. No matter if you are 20 or 80, it is imperative that you go for yearly checkups. Your GP will make sure functions like the heart and lungs are working as they should. They will check your blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar. Your OBGYN will take a PAP smear to make sure that all your internal cells are normal. Your DENTIST will make sure there are no holes or other issues and will give your teeth a proper cleaning. It is best to see your dentist twice a year. Your OPTOMETRIST will make sure that your eyes are still working as they should, if you need glasses or if your glasses need upgrading. Not all medical conditions have symptoms, early diagnosis can be the difference between life and death.
  8. Exercise. Getting enough exercise is very important, not only is it good for weight-loss and to improve your body it is also great for your mind. While exercising, your brain releases endorphins, which make you happy.
  9. Use sunscreen daily. This is especially relevant for people in sunny countries like South Africa. We spend at least 4 hours per day outdoors, either sitting in traffic, exercising or sitting at a café for lunch. Even if you don’t sit directly in the sun, the glare from cars or table tops can still give you sunburn. Add an SPF 40 to your face and neck every morning. If you feel greasy, put some baby powder on a large makeup brush and brush over your face. The baby powder will remove the greasiness.
  10. Don’t forget cosmetics. I’m not a big fan of cosmetics but looking after your skin is very important. Use face wash and moisturiser morning and night. Never go to bed with your make-up on, make sure you remove everything. If you do not clean your face properly you can end up with blocked pores or even an eye infection. Using an anti-wrinkle moisturiser after the age of 25 will help keep your skin smooth and healthy. Face products and makeup are very expensive, it is however better to use well know products rather than cheaper alternatives. I would say rather purchase a good moisturiser than than a good face wash, regular soap will do the trick.

To help you on your way to a healthier, older you, consider the use of an Ozone Steam Sauna. You can go to a clinic near you for weekly Ozone Therapy sessions or you can own your own sauna and enjoy daily sessions in the comfort of your own home. Not only can Ozone Therapy help you age better, it can also help prevent diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, high cholesterol, arthritis, cancer and heart conditions. If you are already suffering from one of these diseases, Ozone Therapy can help alleviate symptoms and improve your overall health. Ozone Therapy has over 100 Benefits.


Feel free to contact us for more information:


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+27 72 422 1967

Editor[Infographic] The secret to healthy ageing in women

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