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Is your diet toxic?

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I personally believe the most important thing in life is to have a good and balanced diet.

We are surrounded by food that can technically no longer be categorized as food. With all the preservatives, pesticides, saturated fats and MSG I think it will be better to live off water and organic veg for the rest of your life.

BUT, we should stop with all the excuses! Yes, it is difficult to know what is good for you and what not, but we should also do our homework when it comes to our food. We can no longer just eat whatever looks good. Buying Organic is best, but make sure the label says “100% Organic”. Buying organic food can be very expensive but growing your own veggie patch is not very difficult.

Thanks to my dear friend WikiHow, here are 6 easy steps in making your own veggie garden:

  • Do research – make 100% sure how each vegetable should be planted and when. Getting the seasons right for your veggie patch is crucial to its success.
  • Choose an area – a veggie garden needs lots of sunlight, should be near a water source and should be protected from animals.
  • Make a raised garden bed with cedar wood (cedar is a natural insect repellent).
  • Add your organic dirt – you can buy organic gardening soil and compost from any nursery. Fill the box almost to the top and mix well.
  • Buy your organic seeds – Organic seeds or plants are a bit difficult to find, but with internet nothing is impossible. Online nurseries is a better bet in finding what you are looking for. Just remember to do some research on how deep to plant each vegetable because not all packets have instructions.
  • Start planting – Planting your seeds or plants are easy. With a hand spade, make  holes and plant, plants or seeds the appropriate length away from each other. The dirt should be nice and wet before planting.
  • Label your veg – It’s amazing how most vegetables look alike, so it is a good idea to clearly label your vegetables.

Helpful hint: when your vegetables have grown to about 5-10 cm, cover the ground with hay  as this will keep weeds down as well as keeping in the moisture. Make sure that everything you buy is organic. Some nurseries use a lot of pesticides in their dirt as well as plants. Do it right from the start, otherwise your vegetables will be no better than those at the local supermarket.

To help you rid you body of toxins left behind, opt for Ozone Therapy. Ozone Therapy has shown to drastically improve your health as well as breaking up fatty deposits, balance out your metabolism, improve vitamin and mineral absorption, improves blood circulation, balances hormones and boost your immune system.

Will you carry on with your toxic diet?

Is your diet toxic?

Is your diet toxic?

EditorIs your diet toxic?

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