Hypercholesterolemia (literally means high blood cholesterol) is the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood [1]. It is not a disease but a metabolic derangement that can be secondary to many diseases and can contribute to many forms of disease, most notably cardiovascular disease. It is closely related to the terms hyperlipidemia (elevated levels of lipids) and hyperlipoproteinemia (elevated levels of lipoproteins). Familial hypercholesterolemia is a rare genetic disorder that can occur in families, where sufferers cannot properly metabolize cholesterol.
Elevated cholesterol does not lead to specific symptoms unless it has been longstanding. Some types of hypercholesterolemia lead to specific physical findings: xanthoma (thickening of tendons due to accumulation of cholesterol), xanthelasma palpabrum (yellowish patches around the eyelids) and arcus senilis (white discoloration of the peripheral cornea).
Longstanding elevated hypercholesterolemia leads to accelerated atherosclerosis, which can express itself in a number of cardiovascular diseases:
- Angina pectoris, leading to PTCA or CABG
- Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
- Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)
- Cerebrovascular accidents/Strokes
- Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
The best way to lower your cholesterol is by improving your diet:
- Decrease saturated fat intake. Saturated fats include whole milk, dairy products, red meat, butter, palm oil and chocolate.
- Avoid trans fat. Trans fat is a man made product used to prolong food’s shelf life. To make trans fat, manufacturers combine vegetable oil with hydrogen. This process is called hydrogenation. Trans fat is more harmful than saturated fat. Processed meat, chips, cookies, fast food and fried food should be avoided at all times. Always read the label before buying a product.
- Reduce cholesterol intake. Make sure you are eating less than 200mg of cholesterol per day. Products high in cholesterol are liver, organ meat, egg yolks and full fat dairy.
- Increase unsaturated fat in your diet. Unsaturated fats include safflower, sesame, soy, corn, sunflower-seed, olive, canola, peanut and avocado oils. Omega-3s, found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel. 35% of your diet should consist of these oils.
- Increase fiber intake. The best fiber is soluble fiber, which can be found in oatmeal, brussels sprouts, barley, kidney beans, apples, pears and prunes.
- Exercise. Getting enough exercise is important. Try to keep moving during the day and get at least 30 minutes active time per day. We’re not all gym bunnies, but you can find something you like to do, like walking the dog, yoga, dancing or riding your bicycle.
- Keep your weight down. If you are over weight and suffering from cholesterol it is very important that you start your journey on shedding the pounds. Most people suffering from high cholesterol is overweight or obese.
To help you on your way to lowering your cholesterol you can opt for Ozone Therapy. Ozone Therapy can break up cholesterol in the blood, unclog arteries, increase oxygen levels in the blood, improve vitamin and mineral absorption, improve blood circulation and strengthen arterial walls. Ozone Therapy will also help fight heart attack, stroke and other cardiac related diseases. To view the whole list of Ozone Therapy Benefits click here.
For more information regarding the use of Ozone Therapy in your Home or Clinic, please feel free to contact us.
+27 (0)72 422 1967
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Join the conversationDavid Flanagan - March 29, 2016
ozone water- if refridgerated, how long will this last ?
admin - March 29, 2016
Hi David,
Thank you for the question.
The time the ozone will stay in the water will depend on temperature and how well sealed the water canister is.
Given adequate sealing and that the water isn’t exposed frequently, you may still taste the ozone well into the 3rd or even 4th day after ozonating the water.
Even though the ozone might revert back to normal oxygen after a period of time, the water will still be purified.
We also advise not to use a plastic container when ozonating water but rather a glass canister.
Hope this helps.
Cherry-Ann - January 4, 2023
interested in Ozone treatment for high cholesterol LdL